Chp 13

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Abheer Pov

I cannot even express how I felt feeling the kick of baby under on my palms. I was on cloud 9 knowing the baby can feel my presence and responded to me. It's like my princess already accepted as her baba. I'm so happy now.
Now, just her maasa should accept me. But for now this progress is giving much more happiness than any million dollar deal. Will reach that day when she will be completely mine, you know baby steps.

I got out of the building, our head guard walked towards me.
"Hukum, was there any emergency? You suddenly came here." Shekhawat asked.
"It's nothing. I want you to be Ruhanika's guard from now on. You should be in disguise and keep eye on her making sure no harm reach her." I said ignoring his question.

"Ji hukum". He obeyed.
"Your team will be on her duty now onwards." I said entering the car. With 1 car of guards I head towards home.


I saw Reyan anxiously sitting in the room. He got up seeing me entering.
Shekhawat probably told him how I suddenly reacted.

"What happened?" Reyan questioned.
"Oberoi, he got to know about Ruhanika." I said sitting and massaging my forehead.
I heard a series of curses Reyan was muttering.

" What is our plan then?"
" We will keep our eyes on his next move. Currently Shekhawat and his team are responsible for Ruhanika's security. I hope he could not get near her. If he even hurt her one hair, I'm going to wipe out his whole existence in this world like he is not even here in first place." I said trying to control my anger.

" Okay, calm down. Did you eat? Should I heat up food for you?" Riyan questioned me trying to divert the topic. I remembered my Chubby Cheeks hearing his question.
" I had my dinner with Ruhanika." I said.
"Ohoooo, so how was the food? Is your soul at peace after eating with her , her handmade food?" He again started.

"Leave it, you know what happened there? I for the first time felt our baby's kick!! It was so surreal feeling. Chubby cheeks even said it was her first kick. She was responding to me hearing me after many days. It was so different feeling yet felt so good and happy. I'm even accompanying her for her check up tomorrow." I said excitedly smiling widely.

" Reallyyy!? I'm so happy for you Abheer. You're gonna be dad Abheer and I'm the coolest kakasa..Oh my god Abheer we should start for arrival of baby, right? We didn't even tell maasa that she is being dadisa Abheer! What are we gonna do?" He said getting excited and then panicked without even a reason.

" Calm down, monkey. There's still arrival of my princess." I said.
"I'm telling you can't call me monkey in front of princess. You will spoil my image in front of her. And by the way, how do you know it's princess not prince..?"
" It's just I felt it inside my heart when I felt her. Chubby Cheeks even challenged me saying that it's prince not princess." I chuckled thinking about her.
" Well I'm team boy then."
" Will see monkey." I said teasing him. He whined and I headed towards my room.

Next Day

I got ready and move downstairs. I took a little extra time to get ready.

"Wow, Bhaisa you're looking different today. Are you going on date or what?" Asked Aishu in playful tone. I coughed a little hearing her.
Am I being that obvious?

"Yeah, Abheer tell them where are you going?" Does Reyan have any death wish? I thought glaring at him.
"Really Abheer, are you going on date? Who is she? Do we know her?", Kakisa asked and by now I was the centre of attention on breakfast table.
"It's nothing like..." I got cut off by Reyan. I'm really going to kill him once I am out of this situation.

"Come on, Abheer, you should tell them now. You know, we have to prepare for his arrival." He said as if stating any fact.
"Bhaisa, are you into boys?"
"Who is he? Is he handsome?"
"What is Reyan talking Abheer??!"
"Finally, Abheer is going to marry Adhiraj ji. It's first marriage in next generation. He Maa Kaali, I'm so excited!"

Oh my god, their thinking can be wild sometimes.
"STOOPPPP!!" I said to stop their illogical rambling.

"When did he or I say that I'm into boys? I'm straight. Stop with your imaginations." I said .
"So, now it's the time to reveal the truth, what say my dear grandson.." Dadasa said giving me his sinister smile. I am feeling nervous seeing him.
Rathore men don't intimidate the younger clan. In childhood too, punishment department is with maasa kakisa and dadisa.
So for the first time, I feeling a little intimidated dadasa.

Time to tell the Truth then I guess!!

We sat in the living room. They all are looking at me. I started talking.

" * throat clearing* Umm.. well first hear me out, then say anything." I said and take a deep breath.
"There is a girl I saw a month ago. The moment my eyes fell on her, I was catured by her beauty. Then, I saw that she was pregnant......" I started explaining them in brief her background and our friendship and all except her name.
"In the mean while, I realised how deeply I fell in love. She is actually Aishu's Professor, Miss Ruhanika Thakur."


There was a moment of silence before a loud squeal was heard.
"Yeesssss, Bhaisa you are the best. You know miss Thakur is so good by heart. I'm so excited, she'll be my 'bhabhima'." Aishu started jumping and hugged me excitedly. I looked around only to everyone's smiley faces.

"Oh my god, maasa , I'm gonna be dadisa and you're going to be pardadi, maasa. Your wish of becoming Pardadi is already fulufilled. I'm so happy. I should prepare some sweet on this good news. I'm going!" Maasa said excitedly and started going towards kitchen.
"Yeah jiji, let's go I'll help you." Kakisa said following her.
Dadasa dadisa and babasa kakasa were hugging each other.
Younger clan was hooting happily for celebration, Bruno and Nick to join them barking.
"Bhaisa, we need to celebrate this.
But, first tell us, when are we gonna meet her?" Aditi said.

"Calm down your horses people. It's just I fell in love. It is going to be a little long journey till she loves and accepts me. Though, I know my princess already likes me.
Most importantly, do you all agree with my choice? Are you not upset?" I said.

"No beta, we are happy when you're happy. We trust your choice. It is not easy to get your attention and knowing you are loving her, she must be special." Dadasa said coming towards me patting my back.
I just hug him in response.

"So where are you taking our daughter for the date?" Kakasa asked in playful tone. By the time, kakisa and maasa also came with kheer bowls giving bhog to bhagwanji.

"It's not a date. It's her check-up today and I'm going with her. I should go now, it's almost 11. She has appointment at 12." I said rising to my feets.
"Okay, take care of her. Keep her safe. And quickly make her fall in love so that we can also meet her." Dadisa said happily. I smiled at them took my leave.
I then headed towards her home.

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