Chp 19

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Next Day Morning

Everyone was in hospital waiting for Ruhanika to wake up. That's when Aishu noticed Ruhanika moving her hands and trying to open her eyes.

"Bhabhima is waking up!!" Everyone heard her turning their faces towards Ruhanika.

Abheer immediately rushed by her side holding her hand in his and other caressing her hair.
Ruhanika opened her eyes adjusting to light feeling light headache. Her body was feeling so much pain as if someone crushed her. Her left side was feeling heavy and she was not able to move due to so much pain. Her lower abdomen was hurting as well. Her eyes widened when she remembered what happen....those goons.... knife.... car... accident....
Her hand immediately went to her belly. Her eyes waterd feeling nothing. She looked beside her and saw Abheer holding her hand and sqeezing it.

"Abh...Abheer ji Those goons, they were there to kill me and my baby....? Where is he...?" Ruhanika asked with cracking voice and her tears falling.

"Calm down, Ruhi, calm down. Our princess is fine. She is fine. Nobody will hurt you or her. I'm here now, calm down." Abheer said trying to calm her.
Abhiraj went to call doctor.

"S..she? Is it a girl?" Ruhanika asked with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, it's our princess. You lost the bet." Abheer said sheepishly.
Ruhanika smiled hearing him tears still falling, but this time happy tears...
She started looking here and there in the room to search for her baby.

"Where is she Abheer ji? I want to see her." Ruhi asked with desparate voice.
That's when doctor entered. Others were just silently watching.

"How are you feeling now Ruhanika? Do you remember anything that happened yesterday or about your accident?" Doctor asked.
Ruhanika remembered about seeing Abhay but the convo was still blurry in her mind.

"I'm feeling like some car went over me." Ruhi said.
"It's okay, the pain will remain for a week or two. You have fractured your hand and ankle. It will remain for a month or two depending on how fast you heal."
That's when Ruhanika noticed big cast on her left hand till her neck and her left foot hanging to a string.
"You will have to stay for at least a week for us to monitor you."

"Doctor, where is my baby? Is she fine? Why is she not with me? She is okay , right?" Ruhanika asked ignoring whatever she said.

"She is fine, but in incubator as she is premature baby. She will be with you after 3 days." Doctor said.

"I want to see her. Please I want to see her." Ruhanika said with teary eyes, her heart aching to meet her daughter.

"You cannot meet her now. You are injured and cannot move around and you are also patient. It may get her infected." Doctor said.

"No, I'm going to meet her" She said determind and tried to get up. Everyone's widened seeing her.
AHHHH....she screamed when she felt pain shooting in her body. Tears started falling due to pain. Abheer immediately garbbed her shoulders gently yet firmly trying to stop her from moving around.
He said,

"Shh... Ruhi stop moving around. You are hurting your self."
"Abh...Abheer ji , they are not letting me meet her, see her." She complained crying. Ladies were silently crying seeing her desperation for her child. Ayaan's eyes were also filled with tears. Other were looking at her worry filled eyes.

"Shhh....we will meet her soon. For now see what I show you..." Abheer said taking out his phone from his pant pocket.

" Abheer said taking out his phone from his pant pocket

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Ruhanika Pov

My eyes started their water works seeing the photo.
My daughter....
There were some syringes on her hand and leg.
I started crying loudly feeling pathetic that I can't even meet her, hold her. She has to go through that all because of me.

"Shhh.....Calm down, Ruhi. She is all fine and quite healthy baby. We will meet her soon. Stop crying now." Abheer ji said and embraced carefully me not hurting my left hand. I cried on his chest and complained,
"It's all because of me, Abheer ji, she has to go through this. It's all my fault."

"Nothing is your fault, Ruhi. Don't blame yourself. She is here just because of you. You still protected her when you yourself were in danger and kept her safe in your womb. Don't say like that. Your princess will be sad if she heard such words for her maasa." I cried more hearing him.

He just hugged me tightly caressing my head and was saying sweet nothings in my ear while I was crying in his neck.
After sometime when I stopped crying, he pulled out of the hug and made me lay comfortably. My head was aching with continuous crying and eyes were feeling heavy.

That's when, I noticed there were other people too in the room, I tried to remember their faces.
Shit! They are Royal Family!!
Aishu and Reyan ji were also there. All the ladies' and one of the men's eyes were swollen as if they were crying.

I felt awkward feeling all gazes on me. Former queen, Meera Rathore cleared her throat breaking the awkwardness for me and came to me.
"How are you feeling now beta? Are you okay?" She asked.
"Khamma ghani, hukum ranisa. I'm fine now just a little headache." I said greeting her. She smiled at my politeness.

"Ghani khamma beta, jug jug jiyo!" She said blessing me placing her hand on my forehead.

"We are so sorry. It was our car that hit you or else you haven't gone through all this." She said guiltily with teary eyes.
"It was not your fault, hukum ranisa. I suddenly came on the road running away from those men." I told her.

"So Ruhi, this is my family." Abheer ji said introducing everyone as if I don't know them. I mentally rolled my eyes at him.

"And you already know this handsome face." Reyan ji said cutting Abheer ji in middle. He just shake his head at Reyan ji sighing.
I just smiled and greeted them.
"Khamma ghani hukum."
"Ghani khamma beta, sada khush raho." Badi ranisa, Gayatri Rathore said coming towards me.
"Get well soon, Ruhanika. We have to meet your daughter soon. She is way to beautiful and cute." Reyan ji said. I just smiled and my eyes started feeling heavy.

"Okay, I guess we should leave now. She needs rest." Chhoti Ranisa, Niharika Rathore said.
Then everyone went except Abheer ji telling me to take rest and Abheer ji to look after me.

Abheer ji sat beside me,
"Sleep for sometime, Ruhi." He said patting my head to make me sleep. Before I fell asleep, I felt Abheer ji kissing my forehead....

Abheer Pov

She woke up and created havoc to let her meet princess. I felt so bad seeing her pain and her condition. It's like my heart was stabbed again and again.
Hey Maa Ambe, make her well soon.
I prayed silently and kept admiring her sleeping face for sometime. Then went to couch to check some mails......

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