Chp 14

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Ruhanika Pov

I was scrolling through my phone waiting for Abheer ji after my breakfast. That's when my thoughts went to last night.
I was so happy when suddenly Abheer ji showed up. He was so happy feeling baby's kicks. He even kissed my bump. I blushed remembering the nickname he gave me, ' Ruhi '.

My daze broke hearing door bell rang. Knowing who it is, I excitedly got up from couch. I was surprised seeing beautiful bouquet of roses in his hands. He came inside.

"Hi Abheer ji, what are these roses for?"
"Well, these are for my princess since my baby kicked for first time yesterday." He stated.
There was a different kind satisfaction hearing him calling my baby his.
"Ah....I guess your princess accepted her gift." I said smiling and kept my hand on my bump where I felt a strong kick caressing little to smoothen the pain.
He gave the roses to me keeping his hands on my bump, making me feel butterflies.
"Hi princess, don't kick ma so hard." He said caressing and kissing my belly over my saree.
I smiled at his care.

"But you didn't bring anything for baby's ma." I said pouting.
"Who said that?" He took outs chocolates from his suit pockets forwarding them towards me.
My eyes widened seeing them. I literally craving them today. I hurriedly grab them and said, " Thank you so much Abheer ji."
"You're welcome, Ruhi." He said smiling.
"Shall we go now? Did you take previous reports?" I nodded. We moved out. Abheer ji locked the door for me while I was eating the chocolate.

Abheer Pov
At Rathore Hospital

We were now inside the cabin waiting for doctor to come. I was suddenly feeling anxious and excited knowing I'm gonna see my princess and hear her heartbeat.

Doctor entered the cabin, she was going to sit, but she stood up when her gaze fell on me.
"Hu..hukum!? Khamma ghani hukum, you here? Everthing alright?" Doctor questioned suddenly panicking.

"It's nothing doctor, I am with her for her check up." I said. She looked at Chubby cheeks raising her brow, as if asking her if I'm right.
She sat down when chubby cheeks nodded.

"Okay then umm.. Shall we start with your sonogram?"
Ruhi nodded so did I involuntarily.

I helped her laying down and sat on the stool beside her bed. Doctor was on the other side. She put some gel her belly sliding her saree.
My heartbeat fasten hearing small beeing sound coming from the princess's heartbeat.
I looked at the sonogram. There was a beautiful foetus on the screen. Tears started gathering in my eyes. I grabbed Ruhi's hand on the bed seeking some comfort from this overwhelming feeling. I looked back and forth between Ruhi and screen. She sqeezed my hand looking tears in my eyes with a smile on her face.
I quickly wiped my eyes before doctor could see them and sneakily turn on the recorder to record heart beats of my princess.

"Can we take the pictures of sonogram?" I asked.
"Sure, hukum sa. I will print it for you." Doctor replied. We then moved to her cabin.

"As we saw Ruhanika, baby is really healthy. And thankfully your health is also improved. Just follow this new diet chart so that if you choose to have normal delivry after 1 months , there won't be any complications." She said giving the chart. I grabbed instead, going through the diet plan.

"There are not any problems right? Because, she was having continuous swellings in last 2 weeks." I asked.

"It's normal for feets to swell in third trimester, hukum sa. But I will suggest some oils for you to use when the pain will make you unable to walk. You can even massage it daily if you want or can keep your feets in warm to hot water to sooth the pain." She said writing on paper and forwarding it to me.
"Continue with the same medicines and everything else is perfect." She said smiling. We then took our leave moving out of the cabin.

We move out of the hospital and I held her hand for helping her sit in tha car. I forwarded the prescription to Shekhawat ordering him to bring those and sat beside her in car waiting for him to come.

"You got emotional , didn't you Abheer ji?" She asked teasing me trying to smirk but totally failing. She was looking so cute with that face that I just want to bite her chubby cheeks.
My cute chubby cheeks....

"No, not at all! It's just something went into my eyes and you saw me the same moment." I said trying to say some excuse.
"Surely something went into your eyes." She said sassily.
"But don't worry, I won't tell anybody that the cold ruthless hukum sa of Rajasthan got all teary seeing sonogram of my baby." She said laughing. I was just shocked at her remark but then chuckled at her laughing face.

"Can I take those sonogram pictures , only if you want?" I asked her hopefully.
"Yes, Abheer ji, you can. I have some from previous check ups. You can have these." She said giving me the pictures.

I then dropped her home so that she can take some rest. I kept admiring the photo all the way to home.


"Maasa, maasa where are you?" I yelled for maasa entering the home. Babasa was doing his work in living room. When I saw maasa and dadisa coming from Puja room, I quickly rushed towards her and hugged her.
"Maasa, I'm so happy today. You know I saw her, I saw my princess today." I said pulling out from the hug. I dragged her  and made her sit beside me.

"See here, it's her sonogram, I even recorded her heartbeats." I said showing her the pictures and recording and started telling her about everything. I stopped by hearing my name and turned towards the voice.
"Abheer." It was Reyan. Looking at his serious face I understood its some emergency. I nodded at him.

"Okay, I'll  get going maasa." I got up kissing her forehead and went to our home office with Reyan.

Meera Pov

Seeing Abheer so excited reminded me of my little Abheer which became mature so early in his childhood. It reminded me of that little Abheer who would always come screaming maasa maasa after his play school to tell me about his day.
He was looking so happy.

After he went,
"Did you also see maasa, the glimpse of our little Abheer while he was telling about baby to us? He looked so happy." I said looking at the direction where Abheer went and then turned towards her and Vikram ji with teary eyes and bright smile.
I saw maasa's eyes were also glossy.
She nodded at my question happily.
"Yes, Meera. I guess Ruhanika and her baby are going to bring lots of happiness in our lives." Vikram ji said. I smiled hearing him and silently prayed to Maa Kaali to keep my kids always happy and healthy like this.

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