Chp 6

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Abheer Pov

I turned towards the noise. There was a woman who seems like dizzy. There was a vase broken near her legs. She was going to fall onto that. I immediately ran towards her before she fell onto the broken peices and hurt herself.

I took that woman in my arms only to get frozen.... my chubby cheeks...
I started tapping her face.

Abheer- Miss Ruhanika,  open your eyes Ruhanika, Ruhanika.

Not getting any response, I picked her up and move towards the medical room.

Abheer- Doctor, doctor!!

A lady doctor came towards us running hearing my voice.

Doctor- Ji hukum sa, oh my god, Ruhanika! What happened to her?

Abheer- She fainted in the corridor. Check up on her if she is fine or not....

Doctor- Ji hukum sa. Put her on the bed.

Abheer- I kept her on the bed and move out from there so the doctor could check on her. I was pacing in the room getting tensed. What could have happened to her suddenly. She was fine sometime ago. I hope nothing is serious, she is pregnant too!
After 20 min the doctor came....

Doctor- Hukum sa you're still here?

Abheer- What happened to her. Is she fine?

I questioned ignoring her comment.

Doctor- Nothing is serious hukhum sa. She is a little weak. She fainted due to exhaution. I guess she hasn't eaten anything yet. And today's event and function works made her exhausted.

What!! She hasn't eaten anything. She is freaking pregnant and hasn't eaten anything. My goodness!! She was standing for so long during the award distribution. She must be so so tired...
How can she be so careless...?

Abheer- Is she fine now? When will she regain her consciousness?

Doctor- She is fine now. She should be awake in an hour or so. You can leave hukum sa. I'll be here with her. Thank you for bringing her here.

Abheer- It's alright. I'll be staying here till she gets awake. You should contact her family till then. Somebody has to come to pick her up.

Doctor- I can't hukum sa. I don't know about anybody related to her. You wait here I'll call Prof. Sakshi here. She might be knowing her family.

Then she went to call some Prof. Sakshi. I then went towards her bed sat on the stool nearby holding her hand.
All the time I keep admiring her face. She is looking a little pale yet so pretty. Her husband must be damn lucky to have her.
After sometime, suddenly someone entered making noise and doctor following her.

Sakshi- What happened to her miss Priya? Is she fine? Nothing serious right? Tell me what happened. Why are you not talking.?

Doctor- Calm down, Sakshi. She just fainted. She's a liitle weak. That's why i guess. Else everything is alright. Hukum sa noticed her fainting her fainting in the corridor and brought her here.

Then Prof. Sakshi's noticed my presence in the room. And her eyes slightly widened.

Sakshi- Hu..huk..Hukum sa you here!Good Afternoon.

She said bowing a little. I chuckled in my mind looking at her flabbergasted state. I just nod at her.

Sakshi- Thank you so much hukum sa for bringing her here. She didn't fall right or hurt herself...?

She asked me.

Abheer- No. She was almost going to fall on the broken vase near her. But I grabbed her in time before she fell. She was already unconscious by then.

Both Sakshi's n Doctor's eyes widen at the newly found information. All the while I was holding her hand in mine.
Suddenly we heard a groan.

Ruhanika Pov

My head was paining slightly when I tried to open my eyes. I groaned at the pain. I felt somebody holding my hand. I slowly opened my eyes only to be met with beautiful pair of hazel eyes.
I was lost in them until I heard a voice from the otherside. I turned my head to the sound.

Doctor- Ruhanika, can you hear me? How are you feeling now?

Ruhanika- I'm fine. Just a little tired and my head is paining a little.

Then I heard Sakshi's voice

Sakshi- Hey babymama, how are you feeling now.?

Her voice was laced with worry. She obsessed with calling me babymama. I smiled at her and replied.

Ruhanika- I'm fine now. Don't worry...

Doctor- Tell me one thing. Did you eat anything from morning?
I clicked my tongue knowing what is coming next.

Sakshi- WHAT!? You didn't eat anything from morning?? Are you out of you mind? How could you do this to your baby Ruhanika? You know fainted and you almost fell on broken vase. Something could have happend to you or baby if hukum sa couldn't have caught you in time. Do you even realise that....!?

I felt tears thinking something happening to my baby. My hands directly went to my baby bump. I turned towards doctor and asked sobbing a little.

Ruhanika- is fi...fine, right doctor...?

Doctor- Baby is fine. Just you are a little weak.

I felt someone squeezed my hand. I turned to see the same hazel eyes. Holy CRAP!! WHAT IS HUKUM SA DOING HER? ?? Then I remembered what Sakshi said. Hukum sa saved me.

Ruhanika- Hu..Hukum sa... Thank you so much for saving me.

Abheer- Its alright. But you should take care of yourself and eat your meals properly at least for your baby. Stop crying now.

His cold yet soft soothing voice fell on my ears. I nod silently and wiped my eyes, withdrawing my hand from his hold. Suddenly I felt loss of warmth which I was feeling all the while.

Sakshi- Once again. Thank you so much hukum sa. (he just nodded still looking at me.) Let's go I'll drop you home. I'll book cab.

Ruhanika- What about your scooter?

Sakshi- You reaching home safely home is the priority now. I'll pick it up later.

Ruhanika- But...( I got cut off by her)

Sakshi- No I'm not listening to anything.

Suddenly hukum sa said...

Abheer- I can drop if you want....


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