Chp 41

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New Chp!!
I don't if u guys do it or not, but I just want you all to imagine the scenes actually happening while reading!! Especially Abhaya's scenes!! Coz I imagine them, and they feel too cute to resist!!!

Let's continue.....

Author Pov

Ruhanika entered Abheer's bedroom with a tray of food in hands. She kept it on the nightstand and started to wake Abheer. She felt sad to wake him up but he has to take madicine to get better soon. It was almost 2 in midnight.

She gently shook him,
"Abheer ji, Abheer ji... wake up. Come on, you have faver and have to take medicine. Please for me, wake up." Abheer groaned feeling someone shaking him up. He had hard time opening his eyes but opened them when the shaking didn't stop. He saw Ruhanika standing beside his bed with half opened eyes.

"Ru..Ruhi. What are you doing?" He said with groggy voice. His throat was hurting while speaking.

"Ohh, thank go, you woke up. Abheer ji please sit up for me. You have very high temperature and have to take medicine. Look I made some soup, it will help you with soar throat too. Please have some." She said and started pulling Abheer up to make him sit. Abheer reluctantly sat and Ruhanika adjusted pillow behind his back to make him comfortable.

Abheer sat there rubbing his forhead. It was aching way too much that he can't even keep his eyes open.

Ruhanika sat beside him,
"Come on please, I will not take much time. But you have to eat something to take medicine. I know it's late so I just made soup. Please have that, or let me just feed you." Ruhanika insisted keeping the tray in her lap.

Abheer nodded and asked for water first. Ruhanika made him drink water. She started feeding him soup. Abheer too ate silently. He felt his sour throat getting a little bit better drinking that hot soup. It tasted good too. Ruhanika also made him ate the roasted bread dipped with soup. Abheer ate all silently, coz while eating he realized how hungry he was all the time.

Once he was done, he gained quite a little energy to at least look what Ruhanika is doing. He adjusted himself more comfortably leaning on the headboard.

That's when he realised his shirt was took off. Ruhanika saw him looking and understood what he must be thinking.
"Ummm I did that to....umm you know, to wipe the sweat and make you comfortable!" Abheer just nodded, not having energy to discuss anything.

Ruhanika kept the empty bowl on the stand and proceed to give Abheer his medicine. Abheer ate it.

Ruhanika then sat beside him.

"Are you feeling okay now? When was the last time you ate something today?" Ruhanika asked raising her eyebrows.

Abheer gulped at her gaze and said in groggy voice,
"Umm, maybe some sandwich while going to the company today." Ruhanika glare at his response.

"Are you even being serious? Do you even know how high your temperature is? And here you are working day and night with just eating some sandwiches?? I'm complaining to maasa tomorrow about you. You should get some lessen after whatever you've done. Come on sleep now, it's late." Ruhanika said and started adjusting his blanket over him.

Abheer's eyes widen at name of his maasa. That lady will throw him from the top of the building if skip his meals and now here he is sick.

Kal to shamat ayegi meri agar maasa ko yeh pata chala!! Abheer thought hearing Ruhanika.

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