Chp 25

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At Night

Ruhanika was in her room. That's when Meera entered in her room.

"What bring you here, maasa? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Ruhanika asked.

"That's why I'm here, to sleep." Meera said smiling and coming near bed.


"Are, I'm going to sleep with you from now on until your hand gets free. Since, you are a new mom, somethings will be new for you to handle. So, I want to help you, atleast till you can handle that yourself." Said Meera smiling.

Ruhanika was speechless with this gesture of Meera. She was worried since dinner how will she handle her baby in night if she would wake up hungry or something. Because there was Abheer or nurses were there to help her in hospital. And she was really hesitant to ask for anyone's help. She was overwhelmed with thier love.

"Tha....thank you so much, ma...maasa." Ruhanika said crying.

She is really a crybaby.

Meera just hugged her patting her head.
"Ek taraf maasa bolti ho aur doosri taraf thank you bolti ho, kaisi ho tum..." Meera said chuckling.
(You called me mother first and thank me next second, it doesn't work like this.)

When Ruhanika pulled out, Meera said wiping her tears,
"You're perfect in every aspect, but ummm there is one problem." She said narrowing her eyes at Ruhanika. Ruhanika suddenly became nervous with Meera's shift of mood.

"What is it?" Ruhanika asked hesitantly thinking she upsets Meera.

"We have to find some solution for your tears. They definitely don't stop in any situation. It's like they also have to express their opinion in the conversation." Meera said seriously.

Ruhanika relieved hearing her.
"Kuch bhi maasa, you scared me for a second." Ruhanika said chuckling.

"No, I'm serious. I bet baby must not have cry as much as you have since her birth." Ruhanika started laughing at her statement. Meera felt content seeing her laughing so freely.

"Okay, come on, now let's sleep. But before that, promise me one thing."

"What, maasa?"

"You'll wake me if you feel pain anywhere or if you need anything in midnight. Because I know, baby will let me know if she needs something unlike you, who will hide her pain." Meera said the later part joking.

"*chuckle* Yes maasa, I'll let you know."

Meera helped Ruhanika laying down and covered her properly. She checked the baby once if she is asleep or not before laying beside Ruhanika.

"Maasa, do you know, where was Abheer ji..... I mean Reyan bhaisa, Abhiraj bhaisa and Ayaan bhaisa were? They were not present for dinner today."

Meera smiled at Ruhanika's concern for Abheer.

"They were actually in farm for visit of Brock and Claire. I heard Claire missed him. So, they went to spent time with them. They usually have their dinner there if they visit them in evening."

"Ohh?!" Ruhanika suddenly became sad  hearing Abheer was with some girl.
Meera noticed her change of mood and asked her,

"What happen? Why suddenly sad?"

"No, nothing. I just asked since he didn't come to meet m.... I mean princess, so..." Ruhanika reasoned.
Meera smiled understanding that she wanted to meet Abheer. But she noticed  there was also something else beside sadness. She couldn't name the emotion.

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