Chp 9

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Author Pov
Next day

Ruhanika was standing at the bus stop. She was waiting for her bus to go to Uni. Since the bus stop is at secluded area , there was no much crowd.
While waiting , suddenly 3 cars stopped in front of her.

 While waiting , suddenly 3 cars stopped in front of her

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Ruhanika Pov

I gasped suddenly looking at the cars and the guards coming out of 1st and last cars. Are they gonna harm me and my baby? Tears started blurring my vision thinking about the worst.
One guard open the door of middle car and there comes.....

I sighed in relief thinking there is no harm to my baby in his presence. But what is he doing here? And why am I thinking like that and feeling so comfortable in his presense.

Abheer Pov

After my breakfast, I started going towards chubby cheeks' home to drop her to the Uni. I took driver today so that I can admire my chubby cheeks during the ride.

Once near her home, I saw her at the bus stop waiting for the bus.

My Chubby Cheeks, looking so damn beautiful in that simple saree...Did I tell you guys my Chubby Cheeks loves wearing sarees!

I told driver to stop by the bus stop.
I walked down the car once guard opened door for me. She was looking like shocked definitely not expecting me...

" Good Morning Ch...umm Miss Ruhanika." I greeted her. Shit I almost called her Chubby Cheeks.

"Good morning hukum sa, what are you doing here in early morning?" She replied.

"I was on my way of sight seeing and saw you. So stopped by to inquire about your health. How are you feeling now?" I asked.

" Umm...I'm fine now hukum sa. Thank you for asking. There was no need to stop by just to check on my health." Of course there is. How can she say like this? Mein nahi puchuga toh kon puchega?!
(Who will if I won't)

" It's alright Miss Ruhanika, come I'll drop you." I said

"No hukum sa , my bus must be on the way. I can manage. No need to bother yourself." She protested.

"I guess I made myself clear in our last meet, I don't like to repeat myself." I said.

Ruhanika Pov

My eyes slightly widen hearing him. Why is he doing this? Not having any other option, I just nodded my head. He moved towards the car and opened the door for me. I thanked him for his gentlemanly behaviour and settled myself in the car he went around and settled himself beside me.

We were moving towards Uni. There was total silence in the car. But not awkward at wall. His mere presence makes me feel comfortable which feeling was lacking from several months now.

What did he even do make me feel so comfortable in just 1 meet...?

My thinking broke by his cold yet soothing voice.
"Are your feet still swollen Miss Ruhanika...?"

"They are fine now hukum sa and plz call me Ruhanika no need to be so formal." I smiled at his care. We are really fortunate to have such a kind Hukumsa for Rajasthan.

"So if you won't mind asking, are you living alone? Umm is your husband out of station or something?" He asked suddenly making me a little gloomy remembering the memories of Abhay.

"Yes...ummm actually My husband was a Major in military, Abhay Singh Thakur. Th..ere was a su..dden att..ack in the c..amp....." I tried to form sentences but my throat was suddenly feeling dry like dessert and tears started blurring my vision remembering a bitter memory which snatched my everthing.

Abheer Pov

I feel like shit asking her this question. It's just I wanted to know if she still has that strong feelings for him.

"Miss Ruhanika, don't cry. It's okay , it's okay. I'm sorry for asking "I said trying to calm her.

"'s just h..he.coul....couldn't.. make...make it" She was full on sobbing now.

I engulfed her in my arms when her body started slightly shivering. I kept saying sweet nothings in her ear to calm. Her face was buried in my chest hicupping and sobbing. Her hand clutched on my blazer like a small kid.
My heart literally ached seeing her red teary face. After sometime, she pulled away controlling herself.

Her gaze fell on my shirt which was slightly crumpled due to her hold and wet due to her tears. Her eyes widen and she started panicking.

" Hu..hukum sa I'm sorry. Coz the shirt...the shirt...."She stated panicking.

I cut her off," Its okay Ruhanika, its nothing. Are you feeling fine? I'm sorry for asking that question. I'm so sorry for your loss."

She relaxed and said," It's okay hukum sa. I just got emotional out of sudden. May be my hormones." She chuckled a little.
And I'm telling you my heart is doing somersault seeing her smile and hearing her laugh.

" You just said not to be formal and you are being formal. This is not fair right. Call me by my name." I said.

"What are you talking hukum sa? How can I call you by your name? You're Hukum sa. It's disrespecting to you. No, I cannot do that." She said with slightly widen eyes.

"Okay, then will you be my friend so that you can call me informally...?"

Ruhanika Pov

He said in his usual cold voice like he is not even asking me to be his friend. I thought for sometime then...

" Umm okay...umm I'll be your friend Hukum sa...aa I mean Abheer ji." I said.
I saw a slight spark in his eyes. It disappeared in a blink of eye. Maybe I am seeing things.

He forwarded his hand to shake. I hesitantly shake his hand with a small smile. But when our hands touched , I felt like current ran in my hand.
His hands are so warm.
What am I even thinking..?

There was silence for some moment in the car. When the car stopped I turned towards him.

"Thank you so much Hukum sa for letting me cry. I've never grieved for my Abhay. Coz there was no one to give me a shoulder to cry on. There was always a kind of tightness in my chest for Abhay's loss. I'm feeling very light today. Thank you very much and also for feeling me capable of your friendship.." I said to him.

There was a slight smile on his face.
His smile is so pretty.
"There is no need to thank me Ruhanika. Friends don't thank each other. I'll always be by your side whenever you need me." He said.

His words made me feel so giddy inside. I gave him a bright smile , murmured a small bye. And left the car.

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