Chp 18

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Abheer Pov

I entered in her room and my heart ached at the sight.
My Chubby Cheeks....
She had a bandage wrapped around her head, cast on her complete left hand till collar bone and cast on her left foot.
Her face was looking so pale.
I sat on the stool beside her bed.

"I'm so sorry, chubby cheeks. Because of me, your and our princess's lives were endangered. You are hurt because of me. I'm so sorry." I whispered holding her hand and placed a gentle light kiss on it so as to not disturb her.

"You know, you lost the bet. It is our princess not prince. She is waiting to meet her maasa. Take lots of rest today and wake up soon......
I miss you...."
I whispered and placed a light kiss on her forehead and again sat on the stool.
I keep admiring her in silence and never knew when I slept keeping my head on bedside.

Next Day

It's night already and Ruhi is still unconscious. I met my princess, she was in her incubator.
Doctor told her health is getting better. She can be discharged after 1 week and we can take her home.
Everyone came to meet her. Maasa and kakisa were with me the whole day. But I sent them home sometime ago knowing Ruhi won't wake up anytime soon.
Doctor told that she might wake up in night or tomorrow morning. Thankfully there were not any internal injuries and she is fine except her physical injury.

Ruhanika Pov

There was dark everywhere around me. Where am I? How did I reach here?
I saw light coming from one small hole from my right. I moved towards it. As I came near it, I noticed it was door and enetered through it.

I saw a man back facing me. My eyes became teary when he turned around and I saw him.


I immediately ran towards him jumping in his arms. He too embraced me desperately. I kept crying in his neck hugging him tightly.
I pulled out and kissed him all over his face.

"Abhay, how are you? How can you leave me all alone? How can you leave our baby all alone? You didn't even think of me, right? No one was mine except you Abhay and you too left me.... How can you do this with me?" I complained crying and holding his hands. Abhay just smiled at me.

"Ruha, stop crying baby." Abhay said wiping my tears.
I smiled hearing my nickname from his mouth after so long.

"I missed you so much" I whispered crying.

"I missed you too baby, I missed you too." Abhay said and hugged me again to calm me.

"Abhay, you know we are going to be parents. Now that you are here, our baby won't miss her baba. He will have complete family." I said excitedly. Abhay smiled sadly at me....why?

"No baby, I can't come with you. I'm so sorry." He said wiping the smile off my face. My eyes again start to fill with tears.

"Wh...why..? ar..are ag...again go..going to le...leave me..?" I asked , my voice breaking due to sobs.

"Shh... I'm sorry baby, but I can't come with you....
I went without saying you proper goodbye... that's why I'm here today.... our journey was till here only baby.... I'm so sorry Ruha, I promised you toghetherness of life but couldn't fulfill it...." Abhay said guiltily.

", if you are not coming with me, I am coming with you... you know that I am all alone there.... I don't want to be alone anymore.... I'll come with you..." I told him.

"No Ruha. You can't come with me. This is not your destiny, and if you come with me, who will take care of our baby there, she will be all alone. You have your life ahead. Please move on, you do not deserve this. Goodbye." Abhay said.

"  Abh...Abhay. Plz don't go...." I said sobbing when I see him going far from me.

"It's time, Ruha. I want you to be happy. Plz move on and give my baby a deserving baba. Go, now. Our baby is waiting for you. Your Abheer is waiting for you. Goodbye, love you." Abhay said with a happy smile walking backwards.
Abhay disappeared and darkness filled around me.

"ABHAY!! Don't go please!!" I screamed falling on my knees. But he didn't come.

Suddenly, my hand went to my belly.
My belly is flat...where is my baby?

"Baby, baby where are you? Come to maasa." I said looking here n there. But all I could see is just darkness. I panicked and started crying.

That's when I heard a voice....
"Ru..Ruhi, calm down, calm down. Our princess is safe, chubby cheeks. She is waiting for her maasa, Ruhi. Try to open your eyes jaan. Try to open your eyes."

It's Abheer ji's voice. I calmed down. It's a girl...? I'm so happy. I felt light headed and again everything went black.

Abheer Pov

I was on couch beside her. That's when suddenly I heard the machines started beeping loudly and Ruhi was struggling to breath.
I ran towards her and pressed the button beside her bed to call the doctor.

"Ruhanika, Ruhi open your eyes jaan, everything is fine." I said hastily. Her one hand was on her belly as if she was finding her baby and tears were streaming from her closed eyes.

Doctor and nurses barged inside running towards us. I backed off giving them space to calm her.
What she said made me froze.

"PANICK ATTACK!! Shit, we have to calm her. We cannot give her any injection to calm down." Doctor said.

"Miss Ruhanika, can you hear me? Can you hear me Ruhanika?  Try to open your eyes." Doctor said to Ruhanika.

"Doctor, it's not working. Her BP is increasing and heart rate is shooting up. We have to do something fast." One nurse said checking her vitals. Then, it clicked doctor.

"Hukum sa, try to talk to her. She knows you so she can recognize your voice. Come on quickly. Tell her to open her eyes, she might will wake up." Doctor said to me.
I nodded going towards Ruhi.

"Ru..Ruhi, calm down, calm down..... Our princess is safe. Calm down, chubby cheeks. She is waiting for her maasa, Ruhi. Try to open your eyes jaan. Try to open your eyes." I said holding her hand.

"It's working doctor, her bp and heart rate is stable now." Nurse said.

I waited patiently for her to open eyes. But when she didn't open, doctor said.

"I guess, she is exhausted from panic attack. She again slept. She will definitely wake up tomorrow, hukum sa." Doctor said.

I sighed sadly and nodded.
Doctors and nurses went from here.
I sat beside her kissing her forehead and cheeks.
"Wake up soon, chubby cheeks."
I caressed her hairs and kept admiring her beautiful face.

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