Chp 15

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Abheer Pov

We entered the home office.
"There was an attack one of our warehouses in Ajmer where we kept the shipment. They could not steal anything so they planted arson in there. Our guards manage the situation before the ware house blown up but still 50-60 % warehouse is burnt. All escaped but we got hands on one of the goons." Riyan said.

I muttered silent curses on this mishap.
"Who is behind this? Did that bastard open his mouth?" I asked.
"No, we are trying but he is adamant not to open his mouth. I guess it's Oberoi. I think we need to go Ajmer." I too had the same doubt. I nodded at him.

"Tell maasa , we are going to Ajmer. We will leave in 1 hour." I said leaving the room.

We leave for Ajmer. But out of sudden there is heavy feeling in my chest like something bad is going to happen. I hope everything will be fine.

Ruhanika Pov

I was getting ready to go to Uni. Today's is Abhay's birthday. My mood was little gloomy today.
I went down and sat in the car only to know that Abheer ji is not here. He had to go to Ajmer for some emergency yesterday. Sakshi is also not here. Her father is hospitalized and her mother is alone. So she had to go to Jodhpur to help her and take care of her father. I hope uncle will be fine soon.
My mood became more gloomy knowing I can't meet both of them.
I took half day leave so that I can go to temple to pray for Abhay.
I then went to Uni.

Abheer Pov

We are beating the shit out of this man since yesterday but he still hasn't said anything. It's already 4.00 now.
I am getting irritated by him and started stabbing him with a knife and cut off his two fingers, then sat in front of him. He was screaming on the top of his voice in pain.

"SHUT UP!!I'm last time asking you, who was behind this. Who. Sent. You? Is it Oberoi?" I asked him in dangerously low voice.

"What time is it?" He suddenly asked panting and coughing blood.
"Why? It's almost 4.00 now." I said.
He started laughing like maniac. Like what the fuck he is even thinking.

"Haha, you are so dumb Rathore. You just left Jaipur for this small attack leaving your family all alone. I never saw anyone so stupid than you. If I was at your place, knowing I have a doubt on Oberoi, I would never leave the city where my family is, when oberoi is also there. Haha." He again started laughing. My blood literally boiling by hearing him. I stabbed him multiple times in anger and shoot him in betweem his eyes.

"Reyan, it was a trap. We need to reach Jaipur. He must be on something. I'm not leaving him if he did anything to anyone. Let's go we need to reach soon." I said to Reyan. Reyan took the driver seat and I was on the passenger seat and started making calls to home. Reyan was driving at insane speed that guards couldn't even reach us.

"Babasa, where is everyone? Ask to come them home right now. It was Oberoi. It was a trap to bring me out of the city." I said.

"What? Everyone is home except Abhiraj, your kakasa, maasa dadisa and kakisa. Abhiraj and Vikrant are in office, and ladies went to the NGO in afternoon."
"Okay, babasa. I'll call maasa, till then you call Abhiraj and kakasa and increase the security around the mansion." I said cutting the call and dialed maasa's number.

"Maasa where are you? Go home right now. Your gurads are with you right?"
"What happened Abheer? Why are you sounding so tensed? Is everything okay? We are on the way home. Guards are with us.''
"Nothing, maa. Call me when you reach safely."
"Where are you? You are alright right?"
"Me and Reyan are on our way to Jaipur from Ajmer. We will talk at home." I cut the call but I'm still feeling as if I'm missing something.
What Reyan said made my eyes widen.

"Abheer, what about RUHANIKA?"
Shit. I immediately called Shekhawat.

"Where are you? Is Ruhanika safe and fine?"
"Hu..hukum, we were at the temple. Mam came here to pray. But, when she was about to leave, suddenly a big crowd enetered and we lost her sight. Mam is missing hukum, we are trying to find her."

"Hukum, we were at a distance from her, when so many people came. Before we could reach her, she was aready missing."


"What happened, Ruhanika is missing?" Reyan asked in shock.
"Yes, she was at temple, suddenly a crowd enetered and before Shekhawat could reach her, they took her. They couldn't fine her." I said massaging my forehead.
"Don't worry, Abheer. She will be fine. We will find her." Reyan said speeding the car.
"Abheer ji"
Suddenly, I felt Ruhi calling for me. I am feeling more restless now.

After 15 min, I reaceived maasa's call.
What she said make the ground under my feet slipped......

Ruhanika Pov
Few hours ago....

I left Uni and went to temple. I entered Maa Kaali's Mandir.
Seeing me Purohit ji came and I greeted him.

"Khamma ghani, purohit ji."
"Ghani khamma bitiya, kaisi ho?"
(How are you)
"I'm fine purohit ji, today's Abhay's birthday. Here, pray for his peace in heaven." I said giving him Puja ki thaal.
He smiled sadly, nodded and went away patting my head.

I prayed for Abhay and our baby and wished him happy birthday in my mind.
Purohit ji came with prashad. I took his blessings and did 3 parikrama around the temple.

I started descending the stairs. When I reached the last step, out of sudden many people came there. My breath hitched when I felt someone grabbing my mouth from behind and two hands grabbed my hands dragging me behind the temple.

I was scared when three people slammed me on wall behind the temple. My tears were falling uncontrollably feeling scared.

"" I said stuttering feeling terrified for my baby.
"Your death!!" My eyes widened hearing one of them. He suddenly grabbed my mouth and the other two kept me pinned to the wall.
I was petrified when the one grabbing my mouth took out a knife.
I closed my eyes when he tried to stab me , praying to Kaali Maa to send someone to help me and my baby.
"Abheer ji" I whispered in my mind ready to take the blow.
I opened my eyes when nothing happened. I saw purohit ji standing there with a wood log in his hand and the man who tried to stab me lying on ground. Blood was flowing from his head. The other 2 left me, one started going towards the man laying and other one towards purohit ji to hit him.

"Bhaag beti, mein inhe sambhalata hu. Tu bhaag jaldi." Purohit ji shouted. I started running away from them. I heard a scream, but I was terrified to look back. I ran as fast as I could clutching my belly.
"Don't worry, baby. Mama will save you. We will be safe." I said to baby in mind.

That's when heard footsteps coming near me. I turned to look, those were the 2 goons. There was still some distance between us.
I tried to run fast as I could see the main road. I ran towards road and look to my right. My breath hitched seeing a car coming towards me. I tightly clutched my belly.


The car hit me, I covered my belly protectively and fell on my left hand. Suddenly my body went numb in pain.
Blood was flowing and my head was throbbing in pain.
There was only one thought before I blacked out,
'Save my baby......'


Please vote and comment if you like this part. This part is so far my favourite.
At least 200 votes for next update or I'm not doing otherwise.
Come on guys I too want some motivation...( in whining tone)😉😉✌

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