Chp 7

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Abheer Pov

"I can drop you if you want" I said and they all looked at me as if they saw some ghost.

I cleared my throat to bring them back from their trance. They looked at each other awkwardly for what have they done.

Ruhanika- No hukum sa, don't need to worry, what time is it?

I glance at my Rado watch. And said
"It's 4.30"

Her eyes slightly widened," For how long I was out? It's 4.30 already." She said

"For almost 1 and half hour." I said.
"No need hukum sa, I can go by bus. It will arrive at 5.00 and bus stop is also nearby. I'll manage." She said.

"A definite NO! You are weak. What if you suddenly feel dizzy in bus or while walking home. No, we can't take any risk. And also, hukum sa , thank you so much for your help but we can manage from here, I'll just book a cab, you don't have to worry." Sakshi said out of sudden.

She definitely talk too much without even break of a second, but she seems really good friend of chubby cheeks and care for her genuinely. Ruhanika seems to be lost in her thoughts. May be worrying about her baby on what Sakshi said.

Before she agree, I cut her in middle.

"I don't like to repeat to myself. ( Turning towards Sakshi) Just grab some sandwiches and juice for her so that she can eat it on her way. And Miss Ruhanika you don't have to wait till 5.00. You are weak, you should get home as early as possible so you can get some rest."

Before they start protesting, I rose up from my seat." I'll be waiting outside near my car, come soon. Miss Sakshi would you like to accompany us?" I said.

" No hukum sa, I'll just grab her food and come on my scooter following you." Sakshi said.
I nodded and head outside before last time glancing at my chubby cheeks. I chuckled in my mind looking at her confused face.

Ruhanika Pov

What is happening around me. HUKUM SA IS DROPPING ME AT MY HOME. I look at him confused trying to understand whether he really said it or not.
After he left, I turned towards Sakshi. She smile looking at me.

"Come on, let's get you home. Do you need anything else for me to bring?" She said. I nodded.

"Yes, can you also plz bring my stuff and mobile from staff room?" I asked.

She nodded. Then she and doctor helped me out of bed. Sakshi headed to grab my stuff and some food. Doctor helped me to get to his car. I'm still feeling a little dizzy, hence , I am grabbing doctor's hand tightly.
At the entrance, I feel somebody supporting my body from other side, I just lean on to the touch. I look up to know who was helping, only to meet with hazel orbs of hukum sa.
Then, I noticed his beautiful face features, sharp nose, slight brown skin, thick brows, sharp jaw line, his well trimmed small beard. Overall Handsome n Beauty in all aspect!!

We broke our eye contact by hearing footsteps. That's when I noticed that my heart was beating like crazy and Doctor is nowhere in sight. I was completely in arms, his one hand holding mine and other firmly wrapped around my shoulder.

Sakshi came with my things and some food . Hukum sa opened the passenger side door for me to sit and help me sit comfortably. Then he turned towards Sakshi. He grabbed food and handed it to me and kept my stuff in back seat. He nodded at Sakshi and went to driver sit.

"I'll be behind the car okay. Don't worry I'll help you today and stay at your place to take care of you." Sakshi said

"There's no need Sakshi. Anyways I'm just going to take rest so there will not be any problem." I protested.

" You shut up. Who's gonna cook dinner for you? You're exhausted so I can't let you do that. Also you must not have noticed, but I saw your feets are extremely swollen. You're in pain and cannot even move around by yourself and you're gonna manage by yourself?( She asked sarcastically) I'm not listening to anything. I'm coming today, end of discussion."

I just listened to her like a little kid getting scolded and nodded my head. All the while Haukum sa was silent spectacular of our little drama. I then turn towards him. He gestured me about seat belt. I tried getting the belt but it was not even moving by me.
Seeing my struggle,  hukum sa sighed and said, "I'll help."

He leans towards me to grab the seat belt, and his breath fan on my face. Smelling his strong cologne, made my breath hitched for a second and my heart went crazy. What is happening to me ? Why my heartbeats are so fast out of sudden, it never happen before.

He moved back once done with my seat belt. He started the car and we drove out of Uni Driveway. Then, I noticed one car ahead of us and one behind us when I tried to look for Sakshi.

" Eat your food, you'll gain some energy." Hukum sa said. I just nodded and started eating slowly and sipping juice.

Abheer Pov

I saw her coming out of Uni, but it looks like she is still feeling dizzy. So I went towards her to help. I held her and she suddenly lean on my touch. I swear,  I feel my heart literally taking leaps. The doctor went away. She looked up and again I got lost in her beautiful orbs.

We then went to my GWagon. While sitting silently I was listening to their conversation. I too noticed while she was unconscious that her feets are extremely swollen. They must be paining alot. But I didn't understand why will she be alone..? Where is her husband?

My heart was beating so fast when I leaned towards her to help her with seat belt that even she can hear me. We then move out of driveway. I was feeling so giddy for the first time in life just because of her mere presence in my car. She was eating silently and I was occasionally stealing glances from her. There were so many questions in my mind. But I decided to keep silence.

I then asked her address and we head towards her home. I already messaged babasa when she was unconscious that I'll be not coming with them due to my urgent presence somewhere.
We reached followed by Sakshi. We both helped her out of car. She was literally limping due to her swollen feets. Tears flowed down her chubby cheeks dur to pain. My heart ached seeing her teary eyes. Sakshi was also helpless and worry was all written on her face.

So I did what I felt right.
"Miss Ruhanika let me help you ok." I said and they both looked at me not understanding me. I picked my chubby cheeks in bridal style. Sudden small squeal escaped her mouth and her hands immediately went to hold my neck.

"Hukum sa, what are you doing?! It's okay, I can manage." She said.

" I can help you , tell me which floor." I said stoically and moved inside building. She sighed tiredly and kept her head on my chest closing her eyes. It can be clearly seen that she is in so much pain right now. We entered her house and I settled her on the bed in her bedroom .

" Take care of yourself from now on. I'll be going now." I said half heartedly.

" Thank you so much hukum sa for your help. Thank you for helping me and my baby." My chubby cheeks said.
I just nodded and then moved out of her apartment.

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