Chp 12

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Abheer Pov

Few days passed. I was busy with my routine. I was also engaged in my people's responsibility. There were certain events conducted by people that needed my attendance. I could not even able to meet my chubby cheeks from 6 days. Though I sent driver to drop her.

I was done with my work and was on my way home. It's almost 9 and I am extremely tired.
While driving I suddenly got a call from unknown number. Knowing who it might be I smirked and picked up the call.

"Bol Oberoi. How come I'm honoured today by his grace's voice?" I said
"Wow, Rathore I'm impressed. Do you love that much thst you can even identify me from unknown number.?"
Sushant Oberoi said.
"No dear, it's just I like to keep tab on weak people."I said.
"And you know I love to find people's weaknesses. I love to play with lives of weak people. Actually I have a gift for you, why don't you check your phone I've sent it to you." He said making me frown. I stopped the car to the roadside.

What he sent me made me hella shock!!
It was many photos of chubby cheeks standing outside Uni, bus stops, with sakshi, her coming out of my car.
I heard him say," I never knew you got a new toy Rathore. She is looking so fucking eatable right!" He said laughing maniacally.

"TOUCH EVEN A SINGLE STRAND OF HER HAIR AND YOU'LL BE BURIED 10 FT UNDER THE GROUND!!" I roared hearing him talking dirty about my chubby cheeks.
"We will see that , for now , bye bye Rathore." He cut the call laughing.

I suddenly started feeling restless.  I haven't seen her from 6 days. I need her , I need to see her.
With that I turned my car towards her apmt started driving me insanely.
My guards started following me, but could not cope up with my speed.

I covered 30 min distance in almost 9 min. I get out my car and started running towards her apartment.

Ruhanika Pov

Abheer ji is busy these days. I didn't even see him since 6 days. But I can understand , being hukum sa of Rajasthan and running his business empire is not a joke. There are many public events happened in last week.
Reading about Abheer ji in news paper, how he helped his people, how he took care of his associates in those programmes and all his praisings , made my chest swell in pride being his friend.
My respect towards him increased multifolds.

But I am a little sad. And you know, I guess my baby is also sad not hearing Abheer ji's voice. During my fifth month, I was concerned about my baby not showing any movements. But doctor assured me, saying that foetus might show their movements from 6th months. I was in so relief when I can feel movements of my baby inside my belly. But, you know I still couldn't feel his kicks. But, I noticed that my baby was hyperactive in presence of Abheerji. Now, when we can't meet in last few days, my baby again become lazy, showing less to no movements.
I even applied for my maternity leaves, it'll  start from next month, when I'll enter into my 9th month.

I was busy in my thoughts, when I heard door bell ringing. I saw the time, it was 9.25, who it could be?
I got up and see through the peephole. I was surprised to see Abheer ji there. I opened the door, only to get hugged by Abheer ji tightly, yet gently.
I could not react at first, but patted his back feeling his rashed breathing and tensed muscles.

He then pulled out realising he was hugging me, " Umm...I'm sorry, it's just I saw you after many days, soo...." He tried explaining but I cut him off.
"It's okay, Abheer ji come inside. He then close the door keenly looking outside as if checking if someone is looking at him. I shrugged my irrational thinking.

"How come you here so late?" I asked serving him water.
"It's just I didn't saw you from many days and missed you. I was on my way home so thought to meet you." He said when I sat beside him. I blushed a little thinking of him missing him.
"You could have meet me tomorrow too." I said shyly. He just shrugged it.
"Did you have your dinner and medicines and how's the baby?" He asked glancing at my baby bump.
"Baby is fine and no, I just prepared food, so was resting for sometime before eating."
"What? How can you be so careless Ruhanika!? You should eat your dinner by 8.30 and have your medicines by 9.00, it's 9.30 already and you are saying, you haven't eaten anything?" He hissed with slight anger. My eyes teared up seeing his scolding.
"I di...didn't me...mean it, I just lost track of time checking the assignments." I said sobbing and crying.
"It's okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Don't cry plz. I'm sorry." He said hugging and consling me.
"Did you eat?" I asked him wiping my tears.
"No, I will after reaching home."
"No, come on eat with me. I even prepared dessert today." I said dragging towards dining table.
We ate the food and now eating dessert sitting on sofa.

"Abheer ji, you asked me na you want to come to my next check up. It is tomorrow?  Would you like to come or are you busy ?" I asked.
"No, I am free tomorrow,  when is the appointment?"
"It's at 12.00 in noon."
"Okay, are you going to Uni then? Where should I come to pick you then..?"
"No, I'm home on check up days, you can come home."
He nodded at me.

"Ahh" I suddenly feel the kick of my baby when Abheer ji was talking. My eyes widened realising it's first kick of my baby and happy tears started filling my eyes.
"What happened Ruhanika? Is it paining? Why are you crying? Do we need to go to the hospital?" He asked panicking.
"Abheer ji, he kicked , for the first time, Abheer ji. My baby kicked, Abheer ji." I said happily, tears flowing from my eyes. I excitedly placed his both hands on my baby bump. His eyes widened feeling small kicks under his big palms. First time since I met him, I saw a beautiful smile spread across his lips.
He has DIMPLES...Oh my bhagwan ji he is so cute in them.

"It feels so surreal Ruhi, Oh my god!! Is it paining you? Baby, don't kick your maasa too much!" His innocent talks made me laugh at him.
"Haha, no Abheer ji, it didn't hurt. You are so cute Abheer ji!" I said lightly pinching his cheeks. He just smiled at me still his hands on my bump caressing it a little.
"You know Abheer ji, my baby was always so active in your presence like he can sense you. I guess , today hearing you after many days, he excitedly greeted you by kicking me." I told him happily.
"Really?!" He asked happily.
"Yes, he likes you already." I said sheepishly smiling.
He just kissed my baby bump happily smiling and here I started feeling whole zoo in my tummy.
"Thank you so much baby. I like you too. But how can you be so sure, it's a he..?" He asked.
"Mother instincts." I said shrugging.
"No, I know she is gonna be my princess." He protested caressing my belly.
"We will see Abheer ji then who will win?" I challenged him and he accepted it sportingly.
He then went to his home kissing my bump and wishing me and his princess Good night and telling me to be ready on time.

I was feeling so giddy inside.....

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