Chp 43

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For 2 days, Meera didn't let Abheer go out of the mansion. Others were enjoying the sulking state of Abheer. Coz it was rare to get all this whiny Abheer in front of you. Ruhanika misses her family everytime she is with Rathores.

Ruhanika was all happy having Abheer home. Unknown to her heart, she has already developed different feeling for Abheer. But, she never really thought of giving herself a chance after Abhay so she was not trying to figure them out.

Though Abheer was whiny and sulking most of the time, he really enjoyed his time with his family, Ruhanika and baby Abhaya. After many days he got have lunch with the ladies, reading with his dadasa, spending time with Ruhanika and of course his princess.

So today he decided to visit farm after lunch.

"Maasa can you please take care of Abhaya? Abheer ji was taking me to the farms." Ruhanika asked ladies who were sitting in backyard with Adhiraj.

"Definitely we can! Come on give me gudiya to me. Since Abheer is home, she didn't even get to spend time with me. You too go, let me enjoy with my gudiya." Adhiraj interjected even before Meera could answer. The ladies laughed at his response and Gayatryi shook his head at her cheeky husband.

"Yup, you go enjoy. And let us know if you are having dinner at home or there." Niharika said wishing them bye.

Abheer and Ruhanika moved from there and started walking.

"So do you want to go by car or walking? It will take us about 30-40 minutes by walking." Abheer asked.

"Umm, I would prefer walking. The weather is good today. Not so sunny, and cool breeze flowing on grass feels refreshing." Ruhanika said smiling.

"True. I too like to walk to the farm most of the time. It's works kinda like therapy to me. Does that make sense?" Abheer asked.

"Yeah, nature has its own way to help people emotionally. I too sometime used to do that." Ruhanika smiled. Abheer hummed.

"So.... what are the plans for future?" Abheer's question caught her off guard. Ruhanika stopped at her place making Abheer turned towards her stopping.

"What does that suppose to mean?" Ruhanika questioned, her heart beating like crazy.

"Umm... I was asking about university. I never really asked you when were you going to join back. That's why and that's what I was asking." Abheer swiftly played with his words, seeing Ruhanika's distress, making her take sigh of relief.

Fuck Abheer what was that? Go slowly man. I know you are eager. But lots of things happen in last 8-9 months in her life. We don't even know, she would even want to give herself a chance or not. Make her fall in love first!!!

His subconscious said.

"Ummm, I really never gave it a thought till now. I don't know. There should be someone to look after Abhaya when I'm working. I would've taken her to University, if I've got my own cabin. Also there is no play area in Uni for staffs' children, though I would never leave her at such small age. I would've to figure that out first. Will see that later though. I would love to enjoy my time with her first." Ruhanika talked while started walking, while now here Abheer's heart's turn to race with anxiety hearing of her thinking of leaving Rathore Mansion.

"But why? Maasa kakisa dadisa are mostly home all the time. If not possible, at least one of them can stay at home for her. You don't have to worry about that." Abheer said, trying to suppress building anxiety inside him.

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