Chp 21

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Ruhanika Pov

It's been 3 days. Abheer ji was always with me helping me while eating and all. His family members also came to meet me the next day. They daily sent me food and Reyan ji also visited daily. We got close these days. He is so much like my bhaisa. Today the pain is less and I am able to get up and at least move around in bed.

It's 2.00 now. Abheer ji got call and he is talking. I lost my phone that day. I wanted to call Sakshi but I don't remember her number nor I have phone to call.
Abheer ji turned towards me.

"Ruhi, some urgent work came up, I have to go. I called maasa, kakisa, dadisa and she will be here. I'll go after they'll come." He said.

"No need Abheer ji. You can go. Also there is no need for them to come. I'm not a baby. I'm a mother now." I said pouting a little.

Abheer said patting my head and smiling," It's not that you are a baby Ruhi, it's just you need someone to help you for some days."

"It's okay, but you know you can really go. I can manage till hukum sa come. Anyway they will be here within 20-30 min. I can manage till then."
Abheer ji nodded understanding.

Suddenly what he did made me feel whole zoo in my stomach.
He kissed my forehead.
He smiled and went. I was froze at my place with racing heart.

"What is happening to you, my heart? Calm down." I said to my racing heart rubbing over my chest.

I heard the knock and door opening sound. I saw the ladies coming all smiling. I'm telling you these ladies have very bright nature.

I reciprocated their smile and bowed my neck a little to them.

"Khamma ghani, hukum."
Those three's expressions turned stern. Did I say something wrong? I thought getting tensed.

"How many times do we have tell you not call us hukum sa? You're just like our child." Ranisa said with a stern look. I smiled relaxing when I heard her.

"Okay, but what do I call you all then?"

"You can call me dadisa." Badi ranisa said.

"And me kakisa." Choti ranisa ( Niharika) said.

"And you can call me maasa or umm whatever you want." Ranisa said dearly.

My eyes teared up at their affection towards me as basically whole family is taking care of me.

They looked worried seeing me crying.
"What happen beta, why are you crying?" Dadisa said caressing my forehead sitting beside me.

"Nothing. Your care and love made me emotional and I remembered my family." They lookes sad for some reason so dadisa just hug me to comfort me.

"It's okay beta. We are here na. Everthing will be fine. And since you are Abheer's lo...I mean friend, so you are also family." Kakisa said. But what was she going to say?

I just nodded at her smiling, not showing her my confusion.
"Come on now, enough of talking now. It's almost lunch time. You should eat."
Maasa said and started serving food in plate.

She came and sat beside me when she was about feed me.
"It's okay huku...* Glare* I mean ma..maasa. I can eat by myself now."

She smiled and said,
"You now called me maasa na, so when my child is injured how can I let her work?"

And started feeding me. Entire afternoon was filled with laughter in their presence. I really like these three. They are like sunshine and can brighten any gloomy atmosphere.

At Evening

When Abheer ji came,
"Evening ladies." Abheer ji greeted.

"Good evening , beta. How was your day?" Kakisa said giving Abheer ji water. "Fine, kakisa. Just tired." I felt sad. He is not able to sleep here properly and just taking care of me ignoring his health.

"Abheer ji, I think you should go home now with maasa, kakisa and dadisa. You are tired and will not be able to rest here. I can manage and nurses are also here. I can ask for their help." I said gaining his attention.

"Did I say that I'm tired because of you? Why assuming things Ruhi? It was just work and I'm definitely fine here. And I'm not going." He said declaring his decision.

"Abheer if you want, I can stay with her tonight."

"No need maasa, believe me I'm fine. You all can go home now. We can order food from canteen for today." Abheer ji said to which maasa nodded.

Reyan ji entered after sometime.
"Hello gorgeous ladies." He sat between kakisa and dadisa and kissed their cheeks putting his hand over their shoulder and turned towards me,
"How are you feeling Ruhanika?"

"All good Reyan ji." I said grinning.

"Not looking though." He said playfully rolling his eyes.

"But you asked about feeling Reyan ji, not looking." I said sassily. Reyan ji amusingly looked at me before chuckling and others laughed at my comment.

We had some chat before ladies and Reyan ji got up to leave.

Abheer ji also got up and came towards dadisa, " Dadisa, your knees must be paining today. Take rest at home, and Reyan, massage her knees before sleeping."
"Definitely buddy."
Everyone smiled at him seeing his care, dadisa kissed his cheek and said I will.

Abheer ji kissed all their ( except Riyan of course.) forehead before saying to Reyan ji " Go home safely and message when you reach."

After they left, Abheer ji turned to me only to see me smiling. He raised his brows at me. I just shake my head smiling and said,

"You look too adorable when you show your affection to others, Abheer ji."

His ears turned red hearing the complement. I started laughing at his reaction. He playfully glared at me.

"I don't look adorable." I just laughed more at his comment.

"You definitely do Abheer ji." I said.
He just sat on couch ignoring me and my laugh.

He was doing something in his laptop after we had our dinner. I was just looking at his face.

He is definitely the most handsome man I've ever seen.

What am I even thinking? But before I could take my eyes off him, he looked up feeling my gaze on him and raised my brows.

"Ummm.. nothing...* what should I say now* ah ha, Abheer ji, I wanted to ask did anyone find my phone anywhere near temple or where the accident happened? " I asked trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Oh, no Ruhi. You don't worry, I will get you a new one tomorrow."

"Oh there is no need, Abheer ji. I can take one afterwards. It's just I wanted to talk to Sakshi and I don't remember her number. It was in that phone."

"It's okay, Ruhi. You will get one tomorrow. And as for Sakshi's number, I will ask Principal to give her number."

My eyes widened hearing Abheer ji.
"Shoot, Abheer ji. I didn't tell principal sir about my absence." I gasped.

"Don't worry, I already told him and he granted your maternity leave early."
I sighed in relief with his words.

"Thank you so much, Abheer ji. I don't even know what could have happened to me or my baby without you. Thank you so much." I said gratefully.

"Don't say like that. You called me your friend on one side and thank me on the other. Since when we became so formal?" He said.

I could just smile at him. He is too good for this mankind.
His wife will be so lucky to have a husband like him.
Something inside me screamed.
But why???......

Oooolala!!! somethings are going on with Ruhanika's heart!!!😏😏

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