Chp 8

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Ruhanika Pov

After hukum sa went , I laid on the bed and in no time I was out because of exhaustion and pain.

I woke up feeling somebody's hand massaging my feets. I opened my eyes to notice Sakshi massaging my feets. I smiled at her care towards me. She looked up to see me awake and smiled at me.

" How are you feeling now?" She asked.
"Much better. You don't need to massge my feets. They'll be fine by tomorrow." I said

" I can't be careless towards you the way you are. If I was in your place I wouldn't even stand and you did everything and even hosting. This was suppose to happen. Plus you didn't even have anything." She said glaring at me. I pouted at her.

" Sorry na. Its just it's my last function before I apply for my maternity leave. I was excited and couldn't have my breakfast cause I woke up late." I said to her making her melt.

"Okay okay, don't need to be so cute babymama." She said smiling and slightly caressing my baby bump.
" Let me bring you your food here so that we can eat. I'll be back." She said

" You already prepared food. I could have helped you na." I said
" No, you need to rest and you are not coming to Uni tomorrow. You are going to rest whole day. I already applied for your leave and it is already granted." She said making me stun.

" Why would you do that? I'll be bored alone tomorrow." I said whining.

" It's necessary dear. At least think of your baby. You're making him exhausted with yourself." She said slightly patting my head. I nodded looking down understanding.

She then move towards kitchen, brought 2 plates of food , for me and herself. We then ate food while having conversation about today's events.

Next Day

I woke up late today due to slight body ache. I went and took long warm shower to relax my sore muscles.

After my morning routine, I moved towards kitchen. My feets are not paining anymore though they are littile swollen. I saw a note sticking to the countertop in the kitchen and some some bowls on the countertop.

Good morning, babymama.
Hope you had a good sleep. I made you breakfast. Have it silently and your lunch is placed in fridge. I am at Uni.
I came to wake you and bid you bye. But, you were sleeping. And seeing your cute face, decided to do the opposite.


I smiled at her note.
I ate my breakfast. I then chech some Assignments of students , took a nap. After waking up, heat up my lunch to have it. My day goes by reading pregnancy books, missing Abhay, looking at our pictures in gallary. At night , there was nothing special to do. So I did my dinner earlier and went to bed to sleep feeling a little tired.

Abheer Pov

Her home feel to cold for somebody living there. I then call Sameer to find information about my chubby cheeks. He obeyed to my command. He better know to obey rather than question my orders.

I went to home after.

Next Day

I woke up. I didn't even know when I slept thinking about my chubby cheeks.
Not your again!!
I then went to have breakfast.

Author Pov
In dining room

"Good morning!" Abheer greeted and sat on his seat to eat his breakfast.

" I heard you won Student Of The Year Aishu. I guess they were really blind to give such award to you, right Abhi bhai?" Ayaan said laughing at Aishu's fuming expressions.

"They are not blind bhai. They know who is deserving for that award." She said straightening her imaginary collar.

" There's nothing like that. I guess they forget to say WORST before announcing the award." Abhiraj said teasing and giving high five to Ayaan.

"Leave them, Aishu they are just jealous of our talent. They cannot bear being less talented less than us." Aditi said now giving high five to Aishu, both showing their tongues to Abhiraj and Ayaan.

"There's nothing like that. It's you both who are jealous of our smartness and handsomeness." Ayaan said getting offended.

" Ohh leave it bhaisa. Humari jooti bhi apko kabhi pasand nahi kare, huh!" Aishu said sassily and Aditi and she started laughing at her comment. By now, there was an imaginery smoke coming out of Ayaan's and Abhiraj's ears.

And there goes breakfast table filled with their non stop bickering and occasional laughter of elders on thier comments. Abheer smiled looking at his family and prayed silently to keep them like this always.

Abheer Pov

I entered my office followed by Sameer. He started reciting my schedule. Once done with my schedule.

" Hukum sa , the information you asked for." He said, keeping the file on the table. I nodded at him and then he went to bring me my coffee.
I opened the file and started reading. By the time I was done reading , I was fuming in anger. The coffee mug in my hand broke due to sudden pressure applied by me. I threw the paper weight at the coffe table in my cabin breaking it. I was feeling my blood boiling out of a sudden. I wanted strangle her family for doing such deed with her and leaving her and her baby all alone by themselves.
But, what shock me to core was, she was sister of my school friend, KARAN SINGH RAJPUT!! But, there was relief that he at least tried to support her,even though he failed.
I felt bad somewhere for husband and but there was slight relief knowing she is not somebody else's.

What are you saying Abheer....Are you planning to make her yours...?

The question arose in my mind made me silent. Maybe or may not be.
There was maybe some attraction but I want to give her the world after knowing her sufferings.

I need to calm down myself. I called Sameer in to clean the mess.
" Hukum, your hand is bleading, let me treat it." Sameer said slightly widening his eyes.

" No need, I want my office clean by the time I come." I said and sprinted out of the office. I saw a slight tremor in the eyes of my employees seeing my messy state, no coat, rolled up sleeves, bleeding hands, messy hairs and anger clearly written on my face.

I sat in the car and drove out of parking. I called Uni Principal. He picked up within few rings.

"Ji hukum, what can I do for you?" He said after picking up the call.

" Is Miss Ruhanika in Uni taday?"

" No hukum, she is unwell and on leave. Is there any problem hukum?" He replied.

" Nothing." I said and cut the call. I drove towards her building. I parked the car outside. There I saw my chubby cheeks sitting inside the car. Seeing her instantly calmed me. She was sitting in her balcony lost in her daze. Her face was looking gloomy. May be she is missing her late husband. I wanted to snatch all her sorrows and give her happiness of this world.

I'll do it!! I'll make you mine chubby cheeks!! You deserve the world and I will give it to you!!

I said to myself determind and drove away toward office.

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