Chp 22

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Ruhanika Pov

The week passed in no time. I am still conscious of my movements. Becoz, it hurts like hell with sudden movement. I have also started walking with help of someone. I feel so pathetic not to be able to do without anyone's help, becoz basically I was all by myself when Abhay was not there and never dependent on anyone else.

All Abheer ji's family members are here today cause guess what? I'm finally meeting my baby today. She is going to be in my arms. I'm so excited yet nervous. Others are also looking so happy.

After sometime Abheer ji enetered and I froze looking at him.

My baby!!!

Tears started falling from my eyes yet I was having the biggest smile on my face. Others face also brightened seeing my baby. Abheer ji brought her and leaned towards me and showed her to me,"Our princess!!" He said.

 Abheer ji brought her and leaned towards me and showed her to me,"Our princess!!" He said

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I gently touched her cheeks and she opened her eyes. She looked at me and kept staring at me as if asking me to take her in my arms.

I brought my hands forward hastily to take her without realizing that my one arm is fractured. I screamed with the pain shooting my side. Tears of pain started falling.

"Beta!!" Everyone yelled.

"Ruhi! Be careful..." Abheer ji said with worry in his voice. My eyes were closed  tightly because of pain and that's when we heard a little whimper.

Everybody's gaze moved towards the sound and I too opened my eyes only to see heartbreaking sight in front of me.
My baby's lips quivered and she was about to cry as I didn't hold her. She started crying and Abheer ji started calming her. My tears fell. I can't even hold my baby let alone calm her down.
Maasa came towards me and younger clan was around Abheer ji trying to calm my baby down.

"Don't cry beta. She is here now so why are you crying?"

"I'm a bad mother maasa. I can't even hold her, let alone comfort her when she is crying. I'm a bad mother maasa." I cried on her chest when she hugged me.

"There is nothing like that beta, don't think like that beta. Everything will be fine. These are just a tough fase of life. They will fade away soon. Don't let it down your spirit." Dadisa said.

Maasa got up when Abheer ji came with my now non- crying baby.

"Come on she want to be held by her maasa." He said trying to cheer me up.

He sat on my left side not hurting my arm. He adusted her in my right arm and his left arm still holding her to support my hand and baby. His right hand supporting my shoulder.
I feel so content having her in my arms. And my water works begin.

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