Chp 4

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Ruhanika Pov

I usually use pubilc transport to go to Uni. I enetered into Uni.
There was quite chaos today. Actually Annual Function is at the weekend hence students staff all are quite excited today.

I turned towards the voice. And there comes my favourite student.

Ruhanika- Yes Aishwarya.

Aishwarya- Good morning ma'am. How are you?

Ruhanika- I'm fine. What happened?

Aishwarya- Ma'am actually I have prepared my script for the function. Will you just one time read it and tell if it is okay or not?

She asked a little hesitantly. I smiled at her.

Ruhanika- Of course. I won't mind. Come with me.
We then went to staff room and get busy with the day.

I was in the lobby to go home when I meet with Sakshi.

Sakshi- Hi babymama. You're sill here?

Ruhanika- Yeah. Just done with work. The work load is more due to upcoming event.

Sakshi- Yeah. I'm sorry I could not come during lunch. You had your lunch on time right? Did you take your medicines?

Her care is really overwhelming sometimes. Coz she is all I have after my baby. My eyes started becoming teary.

Sakshi- Hey what happened? Are you feeling pain anywhere? Tell me if I could do something.

Ruhanika- No its just my hormones are making me emotional seeing your care.

I said wiping my tears.
She smiled at me and engulfed me in a lovely hug.

Sakshi- It's  alright. I'll  always be there for you. I'm  also done with my work. Come I'll drop you.

Ruhanika- No it's fine. I actually cannot sit on your scooter. I'm  actually feeling a little dizzy in noon. So I cannot come.

Sakshi- What...! And you didn't even tell me you were felling dizzy. Are you fine now?

Ruhanika- Yes I'm fine now. It's just I don't want to take any risk. I'll be going by bus.

Sakshi- Okay. But why don't you live with me for sometime? Look I mean you are alone at your home. What if you suddenly need something. I can help you na. And that way I'll be able to take care of you too.

Ruhanika- No It's alright. I'm fine now and there is no such need. Come just accompany till bus stop.

We then head towards bus stop. Actually its nearby the college. This bus drops me to the stop which just 5-10 min walking distance from my apartment.
So I went home, ate dinner and go to the bed. I realised when I lay on the bed how tired I am. My feets are really paining and swollen. I cannot even massage them. If Abhay was here, he definitely would have helped me. I miss him so much.
Silent tears fell from my eyes and I don't know when I went to my dreamland.

Abheer Pov

I reached in my office with my PA and Ayaan following me. Once in the office,

Abheer- Sameer, starting today, Ayaan will be joining office. So I want to you to guide him initial days. When he gets the basic idea how this works, he'll be working under Abhiraj.

Sameer- Ji hukum. Should I tell your today's schedule?

I nodded and he started reciting my schedule.

Abheer- Okay. Hand me over the Verma's file before meeting.

Sameer- Ji hukum. Also hukum there are some problems of farmers in the nearby village. Should I clear today's schedule or will you meet them tomorrow?

Abheer- I guess we will go today. Free my schedule after lunch for 2 hours.

Sameer- Okay hukum. I'll bring your coffee. Chhote hukum, do you need something?

Ayaan was just silently sitting when the conversation was going on.

Ayaan- Yes. Coffee for me too. Thank you.

Sameer then went to bring us coffees.

Abheer- So now you'll work under Sameer for sometime. Pay attention keenly, so that you can be ready to handle your first project under the guidance of Abhiraj. Don't be mischievous. I'll be getting your weekly report from Sameer. Progress is expected from you.

Ayaan- Ji bhaisa. I'll not disappoint you.

And here comes the Rathore attitude. Long gone was mischievous Ayaan.
There was a knock and Sameer enetered when I permitted.
Then they both went to Sameer's office.

I was going through the file when suddenly the chubby cheeks came to my mind. Such a beauty she was.
Don't go there Abheer....She is taken....
I came to my senses and then engrossed myself in the work and tried to erase her face from my mind.
Key word tried.....

After lunch, Sameer and I went to the village to visit the farmers.
After almost 2 hours I was done with my visit. We head to office.

Abheer- Start for implementation of orders. Garmers should get the water supply within 2 weeks.

Sameer- Ji hukum.

Abheer- And clear my schedule on saturday. I have to visit our Uni for the Annual Event. You'll also come with me.

Sameer- Ji hukum.

Once done with work I head towards home, ate dinner, did some work and went to  bed.

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