chapter 2

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Another day in life it is. Another lonely, boring and dull day. I'm definitely having a hangover. Last night I drank too much and now I'm completely drained.

Good thing today's the weekend. God i cannot just stay in bed. I was craving pastries. So I got up. I took a bath. I got dressed. It was 1:00 pm by then. I walked down to the bakery near my house. Also my favourite one.

Today's date is not just a normal date for me. It's 22/01/2024. Yes, 22nd January. He said to me that this day will be marked as our anniversary. Sounds quite pleasant.

It was supposed to be a day of happiness. But it cannot be. He wasn't there with me to celebrate. He hasn't been with me for the past 14 years. What else can I expect? For him to return to me after 14 long years of waiting? Of course not.

I walked down to the bakery. This is my favourite one because 14 years ago we spent our anniversary over here. Me and him. Just us. No third person was involved on this date years ago.

It was one of our sweet dates. I ordered one simple cheesecake and a cup of coffee.

I was sitting at the same place where we sat. The only difference you ask. Just the seat in front of me was vacant.

I was looking out of the window. It was a weekend. Everyone went out with their dates, families or friends. I don't have either of them.

"Dad dad dad" a saw one girl shouting. I guess she got separated from her father here. I walked up to her.

"Hi little one. May I help you?"

"I actually lost my father. I was walking to the bakery but then I got separated from him on the streets."

"May I know your name or age?"

"It's lily wang and I'm 13" the little girl said.

The surname. Its quite familiar to me. Wang. How I wish that I also had that surname. Wang zhan sounds pretty nice to me. But all of these were just my little fantasies of past which are now basically the cause of my sadness.

"Uh... Little one I know you shouldn't go with strangers. But I'll help you find your father ok?" With a little pause I said "sounds nice?"

"Ok mr?"

"Xiao. Xiao zhan."

"Mr xiao gege" the little girl said and giggled cutely.

"Now lily let's go find your father. Let's call it mission : find Lily's father"


She held my hand. She was just like a child for a 14 year old. Very cute. Very innocent looking. She just looked like him. Resembled him a lot. Their eyes and nose match a lot. How can someone even know his eyes better than me. I've spent hours staring at them.

We walked around the area for around 20-25 mins. Lily suddenly got excited.

"Gege, xiao gege he's my father" she pointed at a figure who looked quite distressed. I looked at that direction. My heart skipped a beat i swear. This wasn't supposed to happen. No.

I'm not strong enough to tolerate more. Just by looking at the back I can tell who it is. Is this little girl his child?

"Gege gege" the little girl squeezed my hand and brought me back to reality. Reality. The word that I despised. The word that separated both of us.

She basically ran fast while she still held my hand. We went towards that man.

"Dad" she shouted. The man looked towards us.

That moment. This moment was when the whole world stopped for both of us. The person in front of me was staring at me intensely.

"Xiao gege, dad hello earth to both of you" said the girl. That's when our staring competition broke.

The man in front of me flinched. He voiced out "zhanzhan". My nickname. Which he gave me. Which only he had the right to call me.

"Bo ge" I voiced out.

"Omg zhanzhan how are you? It's been years." He said with a little brim of tears which were microscopic but i could see them. The eyes I loved to look at.

"I- I'm good boge" I wish I could just run away and cry right now. I wanted to do that. All those memories flooded in.

All those sweet and sour memories of the past. The past i always longed for. The past I want to live again. The biggest part of my life. The past. 14 years ago. It all flooded in.

Guys short chap. Ik. Next chapter I'm going to start with the past. The thing y'all want to know.

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