chapter 21

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It has already been 2 weeks since the incident. He never went out of his house. Being locked up in there was a better solution than going out and showing his face to a disgusting and judging society.

But he had to right? He cannot be forever locked up in his apartment that was also given to him by people who disowned him  

He decided to go to the market for a stroll and probably buy some groceries.

Going down he hopes he doesn't meet those two people.

He was strolling in the market until a voice called him. "hi zhan"

"Oh chaenim hi. How are you?" Zhan asked.

"I'm doing good. What about you?"

"I-I'm fine" zhan replied.

"Zhan would you like to go take a seat with me to the cafe. I want to have a simple chat with you."

"Ahh sure of course I'm free. Having someone to talk would be great you know"

They went towards a nearby cafe. It wasn't too crowded there. They took a corner seat.

"Yea so what did you want to talk about chaenim?"

"I...umm I heard liying got pregnant" chaenim said hesitantly.

"Oh news spreads fast doesn't it?" Zhan said with a light chuckle.

"Are you fine zhan?"

"Oh what would happen to me? I'm great. Couldn't be better than this." Zhan said.

"Zhan are you genuinely fine? It just concerns me."

"Do I look not fine or something? Is it visible" zhan said lightly.

"Even though I'm Yibo's friend I don't quite support him in this situation. He did wrong. I know it what he would've done to you"

"Does it matter anyway. C'mon we all knew it was gonna lead to this some or the day other." Zhan said sarcastically.

"Zhan i could see the love in your eyes you held for him. I never expected him to still be weak in front of liying. I never expected him to be this cruel."

"Judging his character even i myself did not expect that" zhan said while looking down.

"Zhan if you ever need support I'm here. Consider me to be an older brother of yours. I'll support you ok."

Zhan had tears in his eyes.

"Thanks chaenim"

"Call me ge. It's fine"

"Chaenim ge" zhan smiled lightly with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry zhan. I'm there" chaenim went towards zhan's seat and hugged him lightly.

"I really had no one with me. I spent two weeks alone, locked up in my own house. Thanks for being here chenim ge" zhan said while crying hardly.

"I really love him. I cannot let go of him." Zhan cried in cheanims embrace.

"Shhhh it's fine. Even I've been through that."

"You have?" Zhan asked.

"Well I also somewhat had the same situation of yours. Just the difference was he wasn't married. He was a policeman. Lived up to his job. We started off as sex partners, met in the gay club. We spent our days and nights together.

Until one day I confessed to him. He said no to me. Broke my heart. He just couldn't accept the fact that if he said he loved me he would be considered as a gay person.

I have a hate love situation with him. We don't meet anymore but I see him quite often. Filing cases against gays when he himself is that.

Zhan listen to me. The world is full of people like yibo. I know you will go back to him. I'm sure about that. But darling once he permanently leaves you. You will come out as a stronger and a better version of yourself.

You'll learn to love yourself. If you want to go back to him I'll not stop you. But remember I'm always here to console you"

"Thank you ge, so much" zhan said and bowed to chaenim.

"It's fine"

Little did both of them know there was one person staring at them. With a blank expression and a cold face.

He did not like this closeness. He despised it. He opposed it.

Of course it was none other than yibo. He came to buy medicines for liying and had to see all of this.

He could not see zhan with someone else but didn't he only reject zhan and break his heart. What rights does he have?

Guys last update for the day. No more. Already done with three chaps today. And what do you think about chaenim's character.

And any views you want to share please feel free to comment

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