chapter 41

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Zhan went back to the hospital and saw liying sitting there alone.

He put his hand on liying's shoulder to gain her attention.

"Oh zhan" liying said smiling lightly.

"Are you fine?"

"Yes yes don't worry about me. It's like my ex husband slash best friend is not fine. I just felt a bit exhausted."

"It will get better. He already woke up right don't worry too much. He'll be fine I'm sure" zhan tried to comfort her

"Will you be staying by his side?" Liying asked hopefully.

"What do you mean by that" I gave a cold reply trying to act unknown to her question.

"I mean stay by his side a potential life partner. A lover."

"Liying you need to understand the fact that how much the whole situation hurt me. I don't know who to blame. You, yibo or me only. It was never anyone's fault, it just happened. How? I don't know that. But one thing I need is a new life. The one without all my pains and worries." I looked at her.

"Zhan i understand that from you perspective. I feel like.... Wait first things first. What happened with sehun?"

"He let me go. He said yibo is better for me. I had a hard time believing him. Truly a gem" i chuckled lightly.

"I think you should stay by Yibo's side. As a friend at least. I will never neglect your feelings but remember the day you met yibo first after 14 years. He couldnt be happier that day. I even heard him cry. Zhan please give him a chance. Everyone is here to help you" liying said and squeezed my hand.

"I'll try to. Right now I don't want any romantic relationship with yibo. We'll start off slow. As friends. I'm just worried about sehun"

"Dont worry. I'll handle that friend of yours" liying said and winked.

I laughed. "Gosh don't tell me you have a crush on him."

"Of course I'm a divorced woman who can freely like people. Just ask him if he's older women. You know we have a 9 year age gap"

"I'll first ask if he's into woman" I said jokingly.

"Oh shut up" liying laughed. "let's become friends zhan" she said looking at me.

"Let's start off slow. So friends i guess"

"You don't guess, we are friends."

She said and we shook hands.

"You go check on yibo. I'm afraid he'll die. He keeps calling for you"

"Yea yea going my dear friend" zhan says.

"Ew" liying said.

"Don't forget you were the one to initiate this very amazing friendship"

"Shut up and go in already"

I entered Yibo's room slowly. He was laying down peacefully. The noise made by the door woke him up.

"Zhan" he said lightly.

"Hmm I'm here" I said and made him sit up lightly.

"Now listen to me carefully. If you don't then i guess I cannot do anything so, sehun let go of me. He said I'll be happier with you. I also had a talk with liying. Apparently we're friends now. So listen.

I'll not be in a relationship with you. I want to take small steps. We'll start as friends and slowly make progress. Basically like trust the process. You got it right?"

"...." I saw yibo crying.

"Gosh don't cry"

"Can I get a hug at least"


"Ok" yibo said while sniffling his nose.

"So listen. I'm xiao zhan. 34. A lawyer and a chef by passion"

"I'm wang yibo. 42. A buisnessman"

"Gosh I did not realise you're suddenly very old"

"And by the way liying finds sehun attractive."

"She does?"

"What you're jealous?"

He smiled lightly. "no I'm happy. She was just stuck with me. I'm happy she freed herself and already likes someone. I hope she lives nicely. I'll always be there as a friend"

"Yea good"

"A hug?"

"Gosh." I hugged him lightly trying to avoid his injuries.

"Thank you for this chance. I'll appreciate it. I'll never let go of you"

"Yesyes now go back to sleep"

Guys I'm sorry for not uploading for this long. I honestly want to say something. I'm actually suffering a bit in life.

Burden of studies. I'm homeschooled. I have no friends. No one to rely on. Parents are good but I don't have the courage to talk to them. I'm a very lonely person and my only 2 friends make me feel left out. Very much.

I'm out of station and relatives are a bit burden. I cannot show my situation to anyone. All my emotions are bottling up at the back of my head. I just wish to be better.

I'm sorry for the slow updates but with so much going on I've lost motivation. It's been a whole year since I've been like this. So I hope you guys get my situation.

I feel suffocated with everything. So I'm not able to write. Pls give me time I promise I'll be back to my old self. Till then thx for reading and I love you guys so much.

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