chapter 18

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Zhan woke up and saw yibo cuddling with him. He snuggled more into Yibo's embrace.

"Good morning sunshine"

"Good morning bo ge"

Yibo kissed zhan's forehead lightly.

"Sunshine today i have some important work so I'll not be able to spend my time with you. Is it fine?"

"Of course bo ge. We can meet at night maybe. If you're comfortable"

"Your word matters the most" yibo said and pinched zhan's nose lightly.

"Then let's meet at night"

We both got up and had our breakfast. I returned to my home because yibo ge said that he has important work. So i just decided to finish my project which I had to complete.

Everyday I realise how much I love that man. He's so gentle and caring towards me. Sometimes I wonder if there can be anyone better than him.

But the real deal over here is that does he love me or not? Does he have the same feelings as me?

He never replied to my confession but he never treated me differently also. I thought he would avoid me if I fell in love with him.

But he did not. So does that mean he also had something for me. Maybe it's just my delusion but I want it to be true.

Nightime approached and zhan decided to go to Yibo's house. Maybe he was letting go of his self respect. Maybe he was being desperate but doesn't he also deserve to be loved.

These all things are taking over him. So he just decided to go to his comfort place. His home. His Bo ge.

He rang the bell. Yibo opened the door. Yibo picked up zhan and spinned him around.

"Darling you're late I was waiting for you"

"Sorry I was doing my project work."

"It's fine. Let's go. I arranged a small date for you."


"Yesss" yibo said and kissed zhan's forehead.

Yibo had set up a small candlelight dinner for zhan. They enjoyed it a lot. After that they also had sex in Yibo's bedroom and finally slept together, cuddling each other.

Morning time approached. Liying entered the house.

She was damn tired because of the long journey and she wasn't able to get any sleep on her flight. Right now she just wanted to go to her bedroom and fall asleep.

She opened the door of the bedroom and let out a gasp.

She saw zhan and yibo sleeping together and cuddling.

Although they were fully clothed still she knew what they did last night. It was quite evident.

"Yibo" she yelled. Yibo stirred in his sleep and so did zhan just to see liying standing over there.

"Liying" yibo gasped.

"Now you've started fucking people on the same bed we sleep. I see. And zhan how big of a slut did you become just to sleep on others bed. Huh?" Liying yelled and scoffed.

"Sorry" zhan said in a whisper while his head was down.

"Zhan go back I'll discuss it with you later" yibo whispered in his ear.

Zhan got up bowed to liying and decided to leave their house.

"Yibo you're sleeping with a man. I knew this was happening still i decided to believe you" liying said.

"Lee please"

"What please? Do you ever think I bought a man on our bed? Did i ever fuck with someone on this bed?"

"Lee I know it my fault this time. I shouldn't have bought him here. Calm down please"

"Yibo how can I calm down?" Liying asked in disbelief.

"Lee I don't think we're working out anymore. Our relationship is just going down the drain. We're not compatible to be together anymore"

"Yibo what do you mean. Just say it directly" liying asked with tears in her eyes.

"Yesterday i went to the court to know the processing of divorce papers. Liying I think my love for you is slowly, time by time fading away."

"Is it because you love zhan?"


"Afraid to admit it. I see. You cannot even stand up for him in front of me. What will you do when everyone questions you?"

"Liying i just want to get a divorce with you."

"No you cannot do that. Not right now."


Guysss another chapter. Share ur views on it by commenting. You knw tbh liying is bad and stuff but she still has some solid points to herself. What do you say abt that?

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