chapter 10

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We reached the airport after a bit.

"Yibo where are we going?" I asked him.

"To Spain" he replied.

"Omg yesssss. I've always wanted to go there. It's on my list you know"

"So I guess you can go there with me" he smirked "and do other things than just travelling"

"Gosh yibooo" i hit his arm lightly.

We boarded the plane. He got us the first class tickets. Now, see not a big deal for me because my father is rich so we always board the first class but these simple things done by this man in front of me means the whole world to me.

I looked at him lovingly.

"What happened?"

"Nothing" i replied and could not help but smile lightly.

Yibo came towards me and put his head on my lap.

"I'll sleep like this for a while" he said and laid down.

I stroked his hair lightly to make him fall asleep. He looked like a baby while sleeping. I kissed his cheek and decided to sleep myself.

The next thing I knew was seeing yibo staring at me.

"What happened?"

"We've reached." He said and kissed my forehead. Gosh i almost blushed.

"Oh. Then let's go"

We went towards the hotel he booked. While going there i looked at the scenery and loved it. This was such a nice and calming place.

"Hi sir may I know your booking name"

"Hello. My name is Wang yibo" while saying this yibo was holding my hand and not letting go of it. I tried to escape but he wasn't letting me so I just gave up.

"Yes your room number is 0505. He will lead you to your room"

We went to our room. My god. The view and the luxuriousness in our room was beyond anything. I loved all of this so much. I was staring outside from the window when yibo came and back hugged me.

"Do you like all of this"

"Like? I LOVE IT"

Yibo chuckled. "sunshine dont worry we can hold hands here freely. This is Spain. You will see many gay couples here and Sam sex marriage is already legalized here so don't worry."

"Ok. I would love to hold your hand." I smiled and turned around.

Yibo looked at my face with a smile and kissed me. He picked me up and laid me down on the bed. And what happened next you might already know.

After that we fell asleep. When we woke up it was already 7 pm.


"Hmm yibo."

"I ordered the dinner. Go fresh yourself. I'll wait for the dinner to come."

"Hmm ok" i kissed his cheek and went towards the bathroom.

I came out and saw it was dark in our room. I saw light in the balcony and went in that direction. There i saw yibo set up a candlelight dinner under the moon.

That's romantic.

"Oh sunshine you're here"

He held my hand and made me sit on my chair.

"Let's eat shall we"

"Sure Mr Wang"

We smiled at each other and continued eating our dinner.

"Yibo let's go sit by the window. I wanna see the stars from there.


We went to sit by the window. Yibo sat down first leaning on the wall beside the window and I sat on his lap, leaning on his chest. We were looking at the stars with a comfortable silence which I decided to break.


"What happened darling?"

"Can you tell me now what happened earlier today, pls"

"Umm s-sure"

"Feel comfortable to tell me. I'll keep your secrets"

He chuckled. "ok mr xiao"

"So liying and I were childhood friends. We were great friends. But then our families decided to merge into one by marrying us. We were surely against it but in the end we agreed. We slowly fell in love after our marrige. We were involved in sexual activites like normal couples. Everything was going smooth." He sighed.

"Gege don't worry I'm listening"

"What did you say!?"


"Oh my god zhan you're adorable" he said kissed my cheeks like literally ten times in a row.

"Gege continue."

"Everything was well but her personality started to change with time. She started becoming more dominant. Now see it's not like women cannot be dominant. I like girls who stand for themselves. But she started controlling me. Never knew why. She started to raise her voice on me. Started to torture me mentally. But I still loved her.

One day I was returning home from work and saw a man and liying on our bed. Having sex. I was completely broken. I loved her truly. I could not do anything. Later she said that she loved me but I wasn't able to meet her sexual commands. At that time I thought sex wasn't everything in a marriage was it?"

"No ofc it's love yibo. Liying did wrong."

"She did but I acted naive out of the love I had for her. She tortured me a lot mentally. Later I also got tired and raised my voice at her at times but out of respect and love i never raised my hands on her. She started hitting me. Being dominant.

I always grew up in the environment where we were taught that a man shouldn't lose his masculinity in front of a woman. But I never took that as a postive thing....

Guys continuation in the next chapter. Will update it surely. And share your views on this one.

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