chapter 12

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Today i woke up feeling great. Surprisingly I woke up early. I had one of the best sleeps of my life. Guess it was because of the person sleeping beside me.

We slept together. We woke up together. We had breakfast together. We took a bath together.

I wish we could do everything together just like on this trip.

"Zhanzhan let's go explore the area today. What do you say?"

Zhanzhan. I like that new nickname for me.

"Gege let's go" i happily held his hand and we headed outside.

I must admit Barcelona is a great place. I just loved it over here. We visited many historical places and museums. We also saw the famous neighbourhoods here. It was really calm and fun. We shared many kisses freely in public without actually caring. This is the kind of life I want. To be free.

The best part was that I saw many gay and lesbian couples here. We even saw a group carrying LGBTQ flags and posters. We decided to hang out with them for a while.

Yibo gege looked at me today. Only me. We did not think about our lives back in china. All that we cared about was the present we're living in. Deep down we knew we had to go back to China. But who cares let us enjoy our time.

And we ate a lot. Like a lot. Me being a foodie I just ate my food plus yibo gege's. He happily shared it with me. I was enjoying it a lot.

This was the best trip of my life. Deep down I know I've started having strong feelings for yibo gege. Even if I deny it I can still feel it.

We were back in our room after having dinner outside.

"Gege should I call you bo ge?"

"...." He smiled wholeheartedly. He picked me up and spinned me around.

"That sounds really good. Pls call me that"

Can a simple nickname I give to him make him this happy? Is this some kind of an effect I hold on him?



"Let's go cuddle. I want to cuddle with you."

"Let's go" we went and laid down on the bed. Cuddling into each other's warmth.

"Bo ge I wish we could live over here. Forever you and me. Like this."

"I also wish" yibo whispered and kissed the top of my forehead.

"Zhanzhan tomorrow we have to return."

"I know gege." I replied sadly. We have to return to reality. The reality that I hate. That he hates.

"I loved the time we spent here. I haven't been so happy since forever. Thanks for all of this."

"Gege i should thank you. You arranged everything. You showed me your sweet side, you opened up to me first. What else can I expect."

"Zhan baby I don't know what I should name this feeling which I'm having towards you. I feel pathetic. Yesterday I said that i still love liying but I don't know this weird feeling I'm having towards you. Please wait for me darling" yibo said as he snuggled up even closer to me.

"I'll always be there for you gege now let's sleep we have an early flight tomorrow don't we?"

"Hmm good night zhanzhan" yibo gege kissed the tip of my nose.

"Good night bo ge" I kissed the top of his head.

We cuddled eachother and again had one of the best sleeps of our entire lives.

Next day we woke up early and boarded our flight back to China. Yibo gege was especially sad. He said he loved our time here and will cherish it forever. Even I loved it. I would also cherish it forever.

We returned back to out floor in our building.

We saw liying coming out of the door of their house.

"Oh look who decided to show up after whole 2 days. I suppose you enjoyed your time a lot where so ever you were"

Yibo gege just looked down. He looked like a fragile child who needed a direction to choose. I wanted to go and just hug him tightly. Giving him the correct direction but we knew this was the reality not our delusional world which we want to live in.

"Sorry" yibo said.

"C'mon in fast." Liying said and went inside their house.

"Zhanzhan I'll go now."

"Be safe gege. I wish I could help you. I'm sorry. Truly." I was sure I was looking dejected right now.

"Oh it's fine don't worry. I'll get through this. I've been getting through this since years. It's not a big deal."

I went in my house and he went into his.

I wonder how this man survives with this woman. She looks like such a nice and elegant person. She shows everyone her outer self not the devil laying inside of her.

I wish I could protect my gege from this cruel world. Just keep him with me.

But that's not possible is it?

Guys so another short chapter and I'll say the actual drama will start from the next chapter.

If you think the story is going on a slow pace pls tell me. I'll try to make changes. Point out the mistakes and plss share your opinion through comments.

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