chapter 27

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I woke up today seeing gege sleeping beside me. I had no intention of letting him go. I snuggled up more to him.

"Did you wake up sunshine?" He asked gently.


"Show me your injuries first" he said and started checking my bruises.

"We'll have to bandage them one more time. Then I guess it would be fine for you. Is it hurting?" He's being really gentle with me. Why does he keep on giving hope and then shattering it?

"It isn't hurting as much as it did yesterday." I replied honestly.

"Good" he said and stroked my cheek.

"Let's get up shall we? Take a bath. I'll go in the other room"

We both got up and he left clothes for me and i took a bath. After wearing the clothes I went oustide and saw liying.

"Good morning zhan. Are you feeling better now" liying asked while smiling lightly.

"Good morning and I'm fine" i replied with my head down.

"Good. Come lets eat breakfast. I made it for the three of us"

We all sat together on the breakfast table.

We all were eating peacefully but in between we could notice liying making painful expressions

"Lee are you fine" gege asked liying in a sweet tone. He used that tone with me in the morning. I felt sad. Of course. But what can I say?

"It's just a stomachache. It'll get better. Don't worry" liying said trying to make the environment better.

"Don't worry. If it hurts too much tell me. I'll get the medicines for you" yibo said and stroked her back for comfort.

He cares for me just like that. I but down my lower lip to supress the sob that i almost let out.

"I'm done with the breakfast. I'll go out now" I said and bowed.

"Wait zhan. Don't go. You'll go when your wounds heal. Don't worry you can stay here. And what if those people come at your house also." Liying said.

"Liying I'll be invading your privacy. I'll go"

"No you'll not zhan. I don't care about your opinion. Your health is more important. Look at yourself. You look so weak. Don't let yourself ruin because of Yibo. I'll feed you my handmade food. Don't worry. Come sit" liying basically commanded.

"Ok" i smiled and sat back. At least that made me feel a bit better.

Yibo also smiled at me.

"Guys i think i need to go to work today. My boss called in." Liying said.

"No you'll not go. You're not fine" yibo said.

"Oh come on. It's important. I'll go" liying said and she got ready and went to her work.

"Gosh never listens to me does she?" Yibo sighed dramatically.

"Uh I'll go to my house now that she's gone" I started walking away.

"You're not going anywhere" yibo glared at me.

"Ugh come on" i pleaded.

"No. Here take the remote and watch the tv"

"I'm not some child that you're driving by your expensive tv over here" i said sternly.

"You're a child to me"

"So did you have sex with a child then gege?" I asked.

"You're still 7 years younger than me. Doesn't make any difference." Yibo said.

"Ugh leave it" i said and watched the tv while yibo worked.

In the lunchtime I went to the kitchen and prepared a meal for the both of us.

"Let's eat gege"

"Coming" yibo said.

He came and I kissed his cheek before he sat down.

"Oh sorry i did not mean to" it's not like I kissed him intentionally. We just used to do this before every meal. It was like a habit.

"It's fine" he said and we ate our meal in peace.

Why do I feel like "lets just make them a throuple. Threesome sounds nice"💀. Why am I having these thoughts.

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