chapter 8

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He also started opening my pants...

We both were only left with our underwear on.

He then proceeded and removed my last piece of clothing also. He was literally staring at my baked body. Eating me with his eyes.


"Darling you're beautiful"

I blushed at his comment. He removed his underwear also. God. That. Boner. His little brother was big. Lord. Really big. Is that thing gonna go inside of me?

"Done staring?" Yibo asked with a smirk on his face.

I blushed again. "yes now please proceed will you?"


He said and took my cock in his mouth.

He licked it and then used his mouth to suck it. The wet sensation was driving me crazy.


"Ahh...ah" i kept on moaning with pleasure. After a few minutes of him giving me the greatest blowjob I finally cummed in his mouth.

"Shit" i mumbled after the cumming.

Yibo came over and kissed me. I could taste the salty taste in his mouth.

I held Yibo's cock in my hands and gave it a squeeze.

"Fuck" he moaned.

He took both of my legs and kept them on my shoulder. He took his mouth near my hole.

He inserted his tongue in my hole.


The wet sensation on my hole was making me feel a new kind of sensation I never experienced.

He kept on thrusting his tongue in and out of my hole. Then he proceeded by inserting one of his fingers in my hole. I felt a sharp pain.

"Yibo" I said.

"It's fine." He came forward and hugged me while still thrusting his finger in and out of my hole.

He continued this. Two fingers then three and finally I started feeling the pleasure everyone talks about. It's an indescribable sensation.

"Mo-more.....faster" i moaned loudly.

"Just wait baby" he took his fingers out and pointed his dick on my hole.

He started inserting it slowly. his size was big. I gasped when I felt him moving. This was much harder than the fingers

"Yibo it's hurting" I said as tears dropped from my eyes.

"Sorry zhan. I can stop. If you want."

"It's my first time."

He looked at me shocked. Completely shocked. "you gave it to me?" He questioned.

"Your first time?" He asked again.

"Yes I wanted to. With you it felt correct. I gave you my first kiss as well as my first time. Pls let me cherish this." I said.

He came and kissed me all over my face.

"I'll be gentle. If you want it faster just tell me" he said and I gave him the signal to move.

At first i felt a lot of pain but i endured it. Later it started turning into pleasure.


"Aahhhhh.ahhh..ahhh....ahh...ahh" I kept on moaning with his each thrust.

"Yi-yibo.. fa-faster pls"

"Ok babyboy" he said and moved faster. Gosh i did not even have the time to blush at his comment.

"I'm gonna c-cum"

"Cum with me" yibo said while groaning.

We both came together. I came all over mine and his stomach while he came inside of me.

"How was it?" He asked while stroking my face.

"I loved it" i said while smiling lightly.

"Another round?"

"Hmm" i nodded. And after that we went for 3 more rounds until we got tired.

Next thing I knew was morning eloped.

I woke up with great difficulty. My back and ass was hurting a lot. I mean we went for 4 rounds yesterday.

I went to the bathroom and sat in hot water in the bathtub.

I did my morning routine and saw yibo still sleeping. He looks so cute whole sleeping. Just like a baby.

I went to the kitchen and prepared the breakfast. I saw yibo coming out.

"Good morning" I said while smiling and gave a slight kiss on his cheek.

"Good morning" he replied not caring much. He looked different than yesterday.

"Did you fresh up?" I asked.

"Yes." "I'll be going now"

"Uhh.. yibo" i called out.


"Eat breakfast. I made it specially for you. And you can even take a lunch box with you. I can prepare it for your office." I said

"No it's fine"

"C'mon pls"

"Zhan no"

"Yiboooo" I said in a whiny tone.

"Zhan i said no right. Stop overdoing it. What is all of this?" He asked while shouting at me.

I gulped the lump in my throat. And looked down "I just wanted to give you a good breakfast and a lunch"

"Don't disturb yourself with that. I'll be going to my office now."

"Bye" I said.

He went out without replying. I sighed. Guess I'll have to eat all the food by myself. I felt hurt.

He was so loving yesterday night. What happened now?

I ignored the bad feelings and decided to continue with my own day.

Yea the first smut is done. What do y'all think abt zhan's behaviour towards yibo and Yibo's behaviour towards zhan. Comment and tell me.

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