chapter 14

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Zhan and yibo finished watching the movie. They were just talking when suddenly yibo pecked zhan's lips lightly.

"What" zhan asked while smiling.

Yibo pecked his lips again. Twice. "whatttt" zhan asked while giggling cutely.

"You're looking so ethereal with that makeup of yours."

Zhan blushed. Yibo picked up zhan and on his lap and continued planting kisses on his face. They were living they're moment peacefully.

"What the fuck" someone yelled. Zhan and yibo looked at the two old people standing in front of them in shock.

"Mom, dad" zhan whispered.

"What is this zhan?" Zhan's mother asked trying to suppress her anger.


"I need an explanation."

"Mom he's...."

Yibo made zhan get off his lap, stood up and bowed to his parents.

"Hello aunty, uncle I'm wang yibo"

"Wang yibo? Oh wait you're the one who owns the wang groups."

"Yes uncle"

"Aren't you freaking married. What's this with my son. And zhan this is disgusting. How dare you get intimate with a man" Mr xiao shouted.

"...." Zhan wasn't able to say anything. He was just looking down.

"Oh and you're wearing makeup again. Didn't we warn you the last time? Huh? Didn't we?"

"Sorry mom and dad but I like all of this" i decided to take up a stand for himself. I need to fight this.

"You disgusting faggot" Mr xiao scoffed. "you dare raise your voice on us."

"And what's this with mr Wang?" Mrs xiao asked.

"It's none of your business"

"Oh none of our buisness. I freaking raised you to be a good man not a fucking whore for someone who's already married. How low can you go zhan?"

"Mom i love him ok. Stop all of this. It's high time now accept me. You know I'm not straight. You've always known. Still you try to get me with girls. I'm gay and i proudly stand for it"

"It's just lust. A man with a man. Ridiculous. You dare say all of these things again" mr xiao said.

"I'll say all of this again. I love him. I love wang yibo. I fell for a married man. I'm gay. I like makeup. What else do you wanna listen to?"

Mr xiao came forward and slapped zhan as hard he could. Zhan stumble backwards but yibo caught him.

"Take your words back right now zhan or else we will disown you just like your brother. Don't you dare ruin our reputation"

Zhan was in tears already. Didn't his mom and dad love him. Do they only care about their reputation?

"I don't take these words back." Zhan shouted.

"You ungrateful bastard." Zhans mother pushed him on the floor. He fell hard on the floor.

"Mr Wang I suggest you to leave this faggot. Sometimes a married man makes mistakes because of these gay people. I suggest you to leave him." Mrs xiao clearly stated.

With all of this zhan's mom and dad exited his apartment. Zhan was left crying on the floor. Did his mom and dad hate him this much? Hum liking makeup, being gay, is all of this wrong? Did yibo finally realise that he made a mistake?

"Zhanzhan" yibo sweetly called me.

"Bo ge" I cried even harder after listening to his voice.

"My.... My p-parents, they disowned me. They called me a f-faggot." Zhan was not able to breathe properly.

"Zhanzhan please slow down. It's fine. I'll help you. Don't worry." Yibo assured him and made him sit on the couch. He bought the first aid box and started cleaning zhan's wound near his lips caused by the slap from his father.

"Does it hurt sunshine?"

"I love you gege" zhan said and cried in Yibo's arms.

"Please don't hate me for this. Gege i never wanted this. I fell for you. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Zhan buried his face in Yibo's neck.

"Shhhh. It's fine. Don't worry. It's not your fault." Yibo tried to comfort him.

After a long while zhan stopped crying. But he looked like he was in a really bad condition. Messed up hair, red eyes, injury on lips, completely pale.

Yibo felt sad for the boy. Going through so much at a young age just because of his sexuality. He had to fight for so much.

"It's fine" yibo made zhan lay down on his bed. "go to sleep. Tomorrow let's have a fresh start in our lives shall we?"

"Hmm" zhan replied. Yibo came down and planted kisses on zhan's whole face. On his forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose and finally the lips.

He touched the boy as gently as he could.

"Good night sunshine"

"Good night bo ge"

With this yibo returned back to the hell. His own house. Today zhan confessed his real feelings to him. He did not reply. How could he even reply. He needs to talk to liying first.

So guys another chapter. Honestly I feel bad for zhan. He's stuck in such a situation. Meanwhile tell me what do you think will happen with yibo and liying.

And sorry for updating late. I was gone on a trip so I did not upload.

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