chapter 5

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Today I again got invited to liying's house. It was her and Yibo's anniversary. After hearing the kind of relationship they have I have a hunch that this whole big party is just to maintain their rich image.

I selected a presentable gift for them. Yibo and i met quite a few times after that lift incident. We just bump into each other quite often. After all he lives in front of me only.

One thing I cannot deny is the sexual tension. It is always present in the air whenever we meet. I just cannot deny the attraction I feel towards him.

It's a great feeling honestly. Even though he flirts and sleeps with women after being married, I just don't want to become one of his sluts. I don't want to. But I don't know how long I can stick to that line.

Whenever we're together he always touches my hand and shoulders. And sometimes my bare neck also. That feels great. Even though it shouldn't. I don't feel uncomfortable with all of this. He makes me feel somehow, safe.

There's a tornado going inside of my mind these days. Here I'm going to the anniversary of a married man whom apparently I'm attracted to like all of his sluts.

I walked over to their house. Alicia opened the door. We greeted each other. I walked in. Saw yibo holding liyings thin waist in his large hands.

I walked over to them.

"Happy 6th anniversary guys." I wished them.

"Thanks zhan" liying replied.

"Thanks darling." Yibo said.

"Ahh don't mind him. He just talks like this to everyone. Apparently maintaining some kind of a gentleman image. I dunno"

"Ahh it's fine. I'm used to it I would say" I replied.

"Oh guess he didn't leave it you also."

"Baby I told you to stop calling everyone darling. It looks like you're flirting with them"


I scanned the whole room. There were many people already. They looked like rich ass people.

I don't enjoy luxury. I like simple things. I never wanted to move to their apartment. I wished to live in the dorms but my parents held the condition that if I wanted to move here I would have to stay in this apartment. I agreed. 

It had been 1 hour now since I arrived here. People were busy in talking. I also talked a lot, like a lot with Alicia. She's a nice girl. It wasn't awkward with her at all.

I got bored then walked over to their guest room's balcony. I went to the balcony and closed the door. I leaned onto the railing. I was admiring the night view. Lights all around in the dark. It was a beautiful night indeed. A full moon night.

I did not realise I was lost in my thoughts until someone came and hugged or you can say practically trapped my body. He leaned on my body with his hands supporting the railing.

I knew who it was. The familiar scent hit my nose. I felt my body stiffen up at that touch. Oh, how I enjoyed it. I loved it.

But then i came back to the reality. I turned around. Yibo also stood up nicely.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Darling it's my own house you know."

"Oh yeah. I guess I'll go from here."

Suddenly he held both of my hands and stared deep into my eyes. He was staring at me like he would eat me alive right over here. 

I also wasn't able to look away from those beautiful eyes. We stared at eachother. I saw his stare go down towards my lips.

I was getting a bit nervous. He started coming closer. And closer. And closer. I could feel his breath on my lips. Such a warm feeling.

I was completely frozen at my place. Not knowing what to do.

He suddenly placed his lips on mine. Shit. I'm dead. Those plump, cherry red lips were enough for me to lose my sanity.

He kissed me. Slowly and passionately. He moved closer and encircled his arms around my waist. Fully trapping me. His arms were so big. My waist was small. Really small and I knew that. Perfectly fitting into his arms like it was made for that.

I encircled my arms around his neck.

His kiss started getting a bit rough. I did not allow him to enter inside my mouth. No.

We kissed. Under the moonlight. I felt so delighted. I felt free in that kiss.

He moved with me towards the glass door of the balcony and pinned me. I came even closer to him leaving no gap between our bodies. It was so perfect as if we both were made for each other.

But wait reality. I suddenly pushed him. Not that hard. Just to separate us.

"I cannot do this. Yibo it's wrong. You're married. And us two men together doing this is a crime. Really. A sin. Let's not commit this sin. Please"

"Zhan I know you want it. I can see it in your eyes. I know it. Why. It's not wrong. There are gay couples."

"Yibo please. Please. I cannot do this."

"Zhan just tell me one thing."


"Are you attracted to me? I don't like lies"



"Yes. You heart it YES. You're damn attractive in my eyes. Not just attractive but you're so beautiful. So freakin beautiful yet so handsome and masculine. You get it right? But yibo I cannot do this"



"Zhan if you ever want this. Remember I'm always here."

He said and I ran out of the room. Leaving all guests behind. I entered my apartment. Oh lord. This shouldn't happen. Maybe my 'two men being together is a sin' excuse isn't going to last forever.

He's so intimidating. That kiss, that kiss was just more perfect than anything in my whole life. I feel like cherishing it.

How can I deal with all of this when you're always around me yibo. What am I supposed to this. Is this all correct. He said he's always there whenever I need this. Am I ready for it?

Guys another chapter and a first kiss between them. What do you think zhan will do🤨😃🙌☺️🫵? Do give your opinions on this chapter.

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