chapter 7

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In the past days i saw yibo quite a few times. And we kissed. A lot. Like really a lot. He enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. It was written all over our faces.

I know the situation we're in is not correct. But i don't care anymore. Even though it's wrong but I've never desired something as much as I desire yibo.

I heard a noise and decided to look out from the peephole. There I saw liying and yibo. She was fixing his tie.

Yibo was not looking interested in her at all. She also looked kind of fake not gonna lie.

She fixed his tie and pulled him in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around yibos neck and kissed him. Yibo also wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her. Deep. Very deep.

I felt kind of hurt. It stinged my heart. Why though? I don't have any right over this man. How can I even be jealous? He wants nothing but sex from me. I should already know that.

I went back to the couch. It was a Friday and I decided to take a leave just for today. I wasn't in the mood to go to the university.

Ughhh. I felt so jealous. But then i recalled that yibo said that i can visit his office whensoever. I decided to go there.

I dressed up nicely. I wanted to impress him. In fact I wanted him.

I drove all the way to his office. I've been here before. So the secretary knows me. I just went there was some suggestions from yibo. Just suggestions.

I went up to the secretary's desk and she wasn't there. I know my next move was impolite of me but I just barged in his office.

I saw his secretary sitting on top of lap whole rubbing her breasts on yibos body. Eww.

She looked at me shocked and so did yibo. Again I felt hurt. Just how many women does this man use. Doesn't he ever feel guilty. What if someone develops feelings for him? And the worst fact is that I'm also willing to be one of his sluts.

Sounds so terrible. But there's this helplessness inside of me.

She walked out of the office bowing to me.

"What are you doing here zhan?" Yibo asked coldly.

"Oh did i interrupt your personal time with your secretary?"

"..." He glared at me.

"Guess I did"

"Leave her. She just barged in and sat on my lap and started doing what do ever she was doing."

"Oh and you did not dare to stop her right? Of course." I said sarcastically.

"I've had a one night stand with her before. Ok? But I never allow anyone to do it with me again. Ever. No one has ever done it"

"Oh so you're gonna use me for once and then throw me away" i said with a low voice.

He came closer to me. Lifted my chin up to look at his eyes. "no it''s different with you. With you it's really different zhan. I never asked for anyone's permission. But here I'm waiting for you. I never once crossed my line, did I?"

"Fuck me"

"Huh?" He asked confused.

"I said fuck me right here, right now."

"And don't dispose me like one of your sluts. I'm not like them" I added.

"Of course you're different then them."

He said and started kissing me. We shared a passionate and deep kiss. He roamed his hands around my ass. I understood his action so I jumped on him and he held me.

He picked me up in that position. I could feel his hard dick. We were still kissing. Sloppily.

He pulled away from the kiss and walked with me still in his arms.

He opened a personal room he had in his office.

He placed me on the bed and started kissing my neck.

"Ahh...yibo" I moaned.

He opened my shirt and threw it somewhere. He put his mouth on one of my nipples. Sucked it with his mouth. Then he took his hand and placed it on another one of my nipples.

He pulled them harshly. Rubbing and pulling them continuously while he was sucking my other nipple.

"Ah....ahhhh....n...nice" i moaned again. The pleasure was indescribable.

I put my hands on him and started unbuttoning his shirt. And successfullly i removed it. Gosh this body was to die for.

Perfect abs.

I ran my hands on his torso. Earning a few moans and groans from him.

I also unbuttoned his pants. He reached down all the way to my navel. Kissing me and leaving love bites.

I opened it pants. Only his underwear was left on him. I could see the big bulge there.

He also started opening my pants....

Guys🌚. Continuation of smut in the next chapter. Sorry to leave you hanging😋. I'll upload the other chapter also don't worry. And by the way give comments pls. I love replying to them. Makes me feel encouraged.

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