chapter 36

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Sehun came to zhan's house to pick him up in the car.

"Good morning" I said while beaming happily.

"Good morning zhan" sehun said and placed a kiss on zhan's head.

"I see you're blushing" sehun said teasingly.

"Gosh my 34 year ass feels like a teenager in love" I said.

"Oh c'mon you don't look 34." Sehun tried to convince me.

"Yea whatever" I said and kissed his nape.

We drove to the office. We parked the car in our basement and sehun opened the door for me to get out.

"Thanks" i replied while smiling.

"No problem" he said and pecked my lips.

I also did the same and pecked his lips. And I don't know for how long this same thing happened until we realised we were late for our office.

Unknown to them 2 people were staring at them.

Yibo and liying. Yibo smiled looking at zhan. "He's finally happy." Yibo whispered.

"He does look happier" liying said.

"I'm happy for him. hope that sehun guy treats him good"

"Let's go in we have to sign our divorce papers." Liying said and they both went in.

They entered zhan's office.

"Hi zhan" liying said.

"Hi guys" zhan said while smiling.

"Hello Mr. Sehun" yibo said.

"Hi Mr Wang" sehun said. Sehun was busy sending glares to yibo when zhan slapped his thigh.

"Owww" sehun shouted.

"That hit was hard zhan." Sehun said while making a hurtful face.

"Shup up right now." Zhan expressed while trying to be professional.

"So Yibo and liying here are the papers. You'll sign them and after 2-6 weeks it will be official. You can think one more time." Zhan said.

"Zhan you already know us from before. Now things have changed. Our kids are grown up and understanding.  We're taking a divorce for sure and I'll go find someone else instead of this old man."

"You're the same age as me" yibo said in a mocking tone.

"So what. I'll find someone for me. You can also find someone or i already know who you love" liying said while turning her head towards zhan.

Everyone in the room noticed and understood what liying meant and it became quiet and awkward.

"Ayy guys c'mon let's go for a lunch after signing the papers." With that yibo and liying signed the papers and they proceeded to a restaurant nearby.

They say and ordered their food. Soon all of the items came for the barbecue they ordered.

"I'll cook the meat for you guys wait" sehun said in a polite way because he was younger than everyone.

He first took the meat and cooked it and then dipped it in the spiciest sauce and gave it to yibo.

Yibo our of politeness couldn't refuse and decided to eat it. His spice level wasn't good.

"Wait wait don't eat it" zhan said hurriedly to yibo.

"Are you dumb or what? You know that you cannot eat spicy food" zhan spatted and took the piece of meat from Yibo's chopstick to his own plate.

Everyone present on the table were staring at zhan.

Sehun felt a bit hurt seeing zhan caring about yibo but he decided to wait just like he always did. He would do anything to keep zhan by his side.

Liying on the other hand felt happy seeing zhan caring for yibo. Once they were separated because of her now she doesn't want that.

Yibo internally was feeling happy. He felt nice seeing zhan caring and remembering things from the past.

Zhan understood what he did was wrong that also in front of sehun so under the table he held sehun's hand and squeezed it to assure him.

Sehun just smiled back. A sad smile. Zhan felt guilty seeing that. Not even a whole day into the relationship and he's already messing it up.

He stood and went to the washroom and cried silently.

"Such a pathetic failure I am" zhan said and chuckled between his tears.

Guyssssssss I thought of writing a BDSM oneshot of zhanyi. Would you read it if i wrote it?? Don't ask why I'm writing it😭. Tell me would y'all read it?

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