chapter 29

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The next morning yibo woke up with a terrible headache.

"You're awake" liying said

"Oh yeah" yibo tried to sit up straight.

"I-I'm sorry for last night" liying apologized.

"Don't worry Lee" yibo said and patted her head.

"Things are taking a toll over me. My boss is not happy with my work, I've been spacing out, i feel dizzy so many times, I feel like puking, I miss you, I love you and I feel miserable because of that but o-on the top of that you d-dont love me and it hurts yibo" liying cried.

Yibo looked at liying and hugged her.

"I'm sorry"

"Are you sorry for falling in love with him? Do you regret it?"

"Liying i-i I never regret a single moment of falling in love with him. It's just beautiful. The love we have is beautiful for me. I don't want to lie to you darling. I am never sorry for loving him but I do hate myself for causing this mess"

"Fresh up and go to his house and apologise to him about last night." Liying said in a broken voice.

"I'm so sorry" yibo whispered and went towards the bathroom to freshen up.

He came out looking like a gentleman.

"You look good" liying complimented.

"He'll be impressed" she added.

"I'll be going now"


Yibo went towards zhan house and rang the bell.

Zhan opened the door.

"Oh yibo"

"Zhan can I come in?"

"Of course" zhan opened the door more widely and let yibo in.

"Wow" yibo breathed out.


"You look so beautiful sunshine."

Zhan blushed a bit. "thanks"

"Umm I came here to apologise. W-Well I was reckless last night. I shouldn't have done it and said those things. I should've handled this more maturely. I'm sorry"

"It's fine. Everyone has their low moments don't they?"

Yibo smiled with tears in his eyes. He came near to zhan and zhan held Yibo's hand that was shaking.

"You know sunshine, you're the strongest person I've ever met. You're beautiful, confident, mature, understanding and so loving."

Yibo said and sat down on the couch. He parted his legs a bit and indicated to Zhan to sit on his lap. Zhan hesitantly went and sat on his lap.

"I'm w-weak, pathetic, immature, vulnerable and this list can keep on going. But you know sunshine, you're the strongest person I've ever met. You're beautiful, confident, mature, understanding and so loving." Yibo said with tears.

"Gege listen to me. The first time I met you, you seemed like a strong, self made, independent person. You are still the same man you were, with proudness. Maybe you're at your low point in life now. But trust me you'll come out stronger from this. You're nothing but the same old you who was the man I fell-" zhan said and lowered his head

"Zhanzhan what" yibo asked gently.

"The same o-old man who I fell in with"

"Zhanzhan I love y-you too" yibo said suddenly.

Zhan looked at yibo with shock.

"But didn't you say it's all wrong?"

"I was too afraid to admit to my true self. Yes you were correct. But sunshine how can I not fall in love with the person who bought light into my dull life. How can I not love the person who makes me the happiest man even if he cooks a single meal for me. How can I not fall in love with the man who's so strong and independent. How can I not love this beautiful man who loves me the same way i love him. Darling you're too good for this world. I love you a l-lot to even lie to myself at this point."

"Gege" zhan cried out.

Yibo placed his lips on zhan's and kissed him willing. Well it was never unwillingly was it?

Suddenly zhan felt something around his neck.

"Boge" zhan called it.

"Darling it had our intitals carved in." Yibo put on a diamond necklace on zhan which added to his beauty.

"It's so pretty" zhan commented while touching that necklace.

"Not more than you"

"Gege" kiss "liying must be-" kiss "ugh stop it" kiss

"Gegeee" zhan whined. Kiss.

"This is fun to spend time like-" kiss. This time zhan kissed yibo while he was speaking.

He giggled cutely which made yibo fall for his cuteness and he kissed him.

They kissed and kissed for as long as they could.

"Let's stop it now gege hmm." Zhan said.

"Ok" yibo responded lightly.

"I'm happy to know that you love me" zhan said.

"And I'm happy to know that you love me"

They hugged for a moment and yibo went out of zhans house.

Guys what do you think about this chap???

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