chapter 9

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"ahh...ah...yibo" I moaned loudly.

Yibo groaned and cummed inside of me while I cummed all over his and mine torso.

I was quite exhausted so we ended up sleeping.

We cuddled each other. I kept my head on Yibo's chest. I could hear his fast heartbeat.

We've been having endless nights of pleasure ever since our first time. Yes. It's been 2 months since all of this started. Yibo spends a lot of time with me.

He has been showing care and love towards me. In this time period I knew I was developing feelings for him which i never planned to.

Our relationship was sex. Just sex. I like to call it love making but yibo calls it sex.

We woke up in the morning and yibo went back to his house.

"Where were you?" Liying asked yibo.

"At zhan's." Yibo replied.

"Wang yibo what the fuck do you think you're doing at his house again. Don't tell me you're having sex with him. A man. Are you that disgusting?"

"Shut up liying. I don't have anything to do with him. We're just discussing business and i help him in his studies."

"Oh yea ofc and spend nights at his house." Liying said sarcastically

"Oh as if you didn't fuck with my employee. You think I don't know about it, huh?"

"Fuck you"

"Disgusting bitch."

Liying came towards yibo and slapped him.

"Don't you dare yell at me. Fucking piece of shit."

Yibo was looking down the whole time. He was angry as well as emotional.

Yibo looked at liying with teary eyes.

"I'm going out"

"Yea go. I don't want to see your face"

Yibo went out of his house and went towards zhan's house. Zhan opened the door.

"Oh yibo. Wait, why are you crying?"

"Zhan" yibo said in a light voice and tightly hugged him.

Zhan closed the door and they both went him.

"What happened baby?" Zhan asked.

"Zhan can you please pack you clothes. We're going on a trip."

"Huh, this fast?"

"Sorry but I'll tell you later. Right now can you please pack your clothes. My dear sunshine."

This was the first time yibo called me like that. His sunshine. That felt good. I wish he would always call me that.

I went towards my room and packed a lot of my clothes. I thought yibo will need those. He was crying. I never saw him cry. He was a really strong man.

I went out and yibo was on a call.

"Let's go" he held my hand and led me towards the elevator.

We went down. To the basement. There was a man standing besides a luxury car. He greeted yibo. And bowed to me as well.

He opened the door for us. We sat in.

"Yibo who is he" I asked.

"He's my driver. Chaenim. He's half Korean, half chinese."


Yibo held my hands and kissed me. I saw chanim looking at us from the mirror. He had a weired look on his face.

I pushed yibo a bit far and whispered "he's your driver yibo and we're two men kissing. We cannot do it in front of people."


"Yes sir."

"Do you have a problem with men kissing?"

"No sir you already know that I'm gay"

"See he has no problem with us."

I suddenly got excited hearing chaenim say that he's gay. I sat normally and started a conversation.


"Yes Mr xiao"

"Is it difficult to be gay in these times. You know how china is one of the most homophobic countries. Is it difficult for you?"

"Well Mr xiao it is quite difficult. I cannot tell everyone that I'm gay."

"Oh I see"

"But yibo has been very considerate of me. He never showed any problem with me being gay. At first i thought he himself was gay" he said and slightly chuckled.

I looked at yibo with loving eyes. I mean i tried to control it but it was showing.

"Yibo" i whispered.

"Were you gay?"

"Huh"  he shouted lightly.

"Were you gay?" I whispered in his ear.

"No I'm not"

"Then what is it with us?" I asked lightly again.

"Zhan your body is nothing less compared to a girl. You're way too beautiful." He said.

I blushed a bit. "but yibo still I'm a boy. So when we're having sex pls see me as that. Even though I like to be a bit feminine sometimes but I still consider myself as a boy"

"Hmm ok" he said.

I kissed lightly on his cheek.

"Yibo don't mind me asking but what is it with you two?" Chaenim questioned.

"It's nothing between us" yibo replied.

Yibo says all these things so easily. Sometimes he makes me feel loved and sometimes he breaks my heart easily.

I smiled sadly to his answer. I went and sat a bit far from yibo and looked outside of the window. We were heading towards the airport.

I went back to my overthinking again. Just because of this man.

Guys another chapter. And see I already mentioned that yibo and liying both know that they hookup with other ppl. But what might be confusing is the slap from liying. And why yibo does not react.

I'll tell of this in the upcoming chapters. So stay tuned and i appreciate comments.

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