chapter 24

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"oh you're back yibo. Look I'm knitting a sweater for our child. The therapist told me in today's session that I should do any activity of my interest to be distracted "

"I-It's good liying" yibo said lightly.

Oh my lord yibo" liying ran towards yibo and made him sit on the couch.

"What happened?" She cupped his face and asked him.

Yibo looked really bad. He was looking sick. Pale. Completely worn out.

"Yibo tell me"

Yibo buried his face in liying's neck and kept on whispering "I'm sorry, sorry liying"

He cried his eyes out. He cried as much as he could.

"I'm sorry"

"Y-yibo please tell me. W-what happened?"

"I love him liying. I really love him. I fell for him" yibo said while crying.


"I'm sorry liying. I cannot lie to myself anymore. It's becoming impossible for me." Yibo sobbed.

"I-Its fine yibo. It happens" liying said and rubbed Yibo's back to calm him down.

"I-I'm madly in love with h-him. Everyday I pretended a-as if it didn't matter. Everyday I avoided him. But i cannot deny this anymore liying"

"I-I'll go back to bed yibo. I need time for myself" liying said and hurriedly went back to bed.

"I'm sorry zhanzhan, sunshine, my baby." Yibo said and cried while laying down alone on the couch.

On the other hand zhan was still sitting on the floor where he was making out with that boy.

"I cannot move on can I?" He chucked to himself.

"I couldn't even kiss that man. Let alone have sex with him."

Yibo was everything I ever wanted and yibo is everything I'll ever want.

He made me so miserable yet i don't hate him a single bit. Never thought I would become this vulnerable just because of love. 

Oh wait I haven't called cheng in a while guess I'll talk to him.

After two rings cheng picked up.


"Hi cheng how are you doing?"

"Someone remembered he has a brother" cheng said in a mocking tone.

"I was busy ok" zhan said.

"Did something happen? You sound low"

"Can I come and visit you right now?"

"Oh yea sure you can. Haikuan isn't on town right now. So you can visit me."

"Yes I'll be there in 30 mins"

Zhan drove to chengs house and he wanted to reach there as fast he could. He wanted someone to console him and the only one he could think of was his brother.

He went to chengs house and rang the bell.

"Oh hello zhan" cheng said and zhan went and hugged him tightly.

"I'll die wait don't hug me that tight. Too much love for you brother. I cannot digest it" cheng said dramatically.

"Shut up" zhan said and broke the hug.

"What happened" cheng asked in a motherly tone while patting zhan's head.

They went to the couch and zhan laid in chengs lap.

"I f-fell in love c-cheng" zhan said nervously.

"That's good right why are you worried?"

"Umm because he's m-married"


"Please don't judge me" zhan said.

"I'll not. I'm not judging you. Tell me the story."

Zhan told cheng about how they met. What all happened. About liying and yibo. Him and yibo. The trip they had. Yesterday's incident and today at the club. He told him almost everything.

"That bastard" cheng whispered.

"You still love him right?" Cheng asked.

"Y-yes" zhan hesitantly said yes.

"He doesn't deserve you zhan."

"I know but I cannot help myself. I've tried to fall out of this trap called love. But it's not working"

"Zhan listen to me. Falling in out of love isn't that easy ok. And of course for an idiot like you it'll be difficult. But it takes time. You will heal and come out of this stronger"

"Gosh I never knew you could give this kind of an advice and say sweet words to me"

"Shut up or I'll break your legs"

"Let's stay like this cheng" zhan said and slept off in chengs lap.

Updated three chaps again today. I guess that's enough and share ur views

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