chapter 28

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It has been 3 days since zhan was at liying and Yibo's house. He felt less awkward around them now. Liying was really nice to him. And so was yibo, of course

They both took care of him. Yes he did feel like he was invading someone's privacy but still he tried not to be too obvious.

He was sitting on the couch when he heard the door opening.

He saw yibo entering the house. Stumbling and he reeked of alcohol.

"Yibo gege" zhan called out and caught him.

"Sunshine." Yibo said and messily tried to hug zhan.

"Gege you're drunk"

"Zhan let's do it"


"Let's make love. You miss me right? I also miss you. Let's go to the bedroom" yibo said and started to take zhan to the bedroom.

"G-ge no please. Liying is also there." Zhan said.

"Zhanzhan" yibo smiled looking at zhans face.

"You told me you wanted me to fuck you. Should I do it now?"

"Gege what happened why are you being like this?"

Yibo moved back and turned out and puked on the floor. Zhan just looked at him and let his tears flow freely.

His love looked so miserable right now.

"Gege" zhan went and patted Yibo's back "it'll be fine"

Zhan picked up yibo and took him to the bedroom and layed him down.

He went back and started cleaning the vomit on the floor. He cried while doing that. What happened to his ge suddenly? He's in the same situation as zhan.

"Hello zhan" liying entered the house.

"Hi liying" zhan tried to reply normally.

"Why does it smell like that here?" Liying asked with a bit of anger in her eyes.

"U-uh it's nothing" zhan tried to avoid the topic.

"Where is yibo?"


Liying went to the bedroom only to see yibo laying down weirdly and crying his eyes out.

"My god" liying scoffed.

Liying pulled yibo up and made him sit properly.

She suddenly felt so furious and slapped him.

"Liying" zhan shouted.

"Not now zhan. Yibo I've been avoiding all of this but it's high time now. Zhan is still young and he's here cleaning your vomit. Taking care of a grown ass man. Seeing him in this condition. For god's fucking sake he loves him.

What do you think he would feel like seeing the man he loves in such a condition." Liying shouted at him.

"....." Yibo couldn't help but cry.

"Liying it's fine" zhan said lightly.

"No zhan it's not. He made you suffer and now he himself is in a miserable condition. Is that how a mature person deals with things?" Liying scoffed.

"You come with me" liying said. She held zhan's wrists and headed out with me to the living room.

"Zhan I'm sorry you have to do all of this and then witness what so ever I did right now."

"Liying I umm don't-"

"I understand you have nothing to say. I know it's wrong to abuse yibo. I've been taking therapy and I can see it's working. I did not hit him at all. But today had to be an exception."

"He cannot treat you like this. Even though you came between our marriage or let's just say yibo ruined it or you know what I ruined it. We all understand that we're stuck in this mess. Right now I'm sorry to say but please go back to your own house. I might sound rude but please understand.

I need alone time with yibo and we need to figure things out. It's important to do that. We cannot continue like this."

"Yes of course I do understand and sorry for invading your marriage. I'm just completely dumb. There's a child on the way and still I'm acting like an immature brat. I'm sorry" zhan said.

"Thank you for being so understanding. I'll take care of things here."

"Good night" zhan said and bowed.

"Good night"

Zhan went back to his apartment only you greet a sad and lonely place.

What can he do when no one wants him?

Sorry for reducing the amount of updates. I'm just losing a bit of motivation to write.

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