chapter 38

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Zhan came back to his firm and decided to enter sehun's office.

He knocked on the door and sehun shouted for the person to come in. Zhan came in slowly and saw sehun sitting on the chair.

"Zhan what happened? Are you fine? Were you crying?"

"I'm sorry" zhan said and hugged sehun.

"Shhh zhan. It's fine. I told you right we'll take this step by step. I know it will take time for you to recover from the past. I'm ready to help you ok. Don't worry" Sehun said and patted zhan's head.

"Sehun why are you so good to me? I don't deserve your love. Why don't you find someone better for you?"

"Zhan when i decided to love you at that point i decided I will accept you for whoever you are. Whatever you are and how you are. I fell in love with your heart and there's no need to change how you are." Sehun said and kissed zhan's head

"I don't deserve you really" zhan mumbled and snuggled more into sehun's warmth.

"Don't degrade yourself" sehun said sternly.

"Ok" zhan said and chuckled.

After the whole day at office finished sehun dropped zhan to his apartment.

"Sehun" zhan shouted suddenly.

"What happend zhan"

"I think someone got into an accident. Look at that body laying there we need to help right now"

"Yes let's go" sehun said and they went towards the body covered in blood.

Sehun turned the body around and he became shocked to see the body's face.

It was none other than Wang yibo!

"Zhan" sehun said slowly.

"N-no it c-ca-cannot be h-him" zhan said trying to reassure himself that everything will be fine.

They took yibo to the hospital as fast as they could.

He was directly shifted to the operation theater.

"Zhan it will be fine" sehun said while rubbing zhan's back.

Zhan was a crying mess sitting in the corridor.

"It hurts sehun. It hurts. Still I cannot move on. I care about him so much. Sehun." Zhan said and cried in sehun's arms. His mind was a mess to see sehun actually getting hurt by his words.

"I know I know" sehun said while dropping tears.

"Don't worry don't cry zhan. Sleep" sehun said and put zhan's head on his chest.

"Will he be fine?" Zhan questioned.

"Of course" sehun said and let zhan muffle his cries on sehun's chest.

It was 2 am when the doctor came out the theatre. Zhan got up as fast as he could.

"Doctor is he fine?" Zhan questioned.

"Thankfully he was bought here on the right time. He lost blood but it's stable now. He suffered from a head injury and a broken arm. The arm will recover in a few months but according to the examination of his brain, he might have frequent headaches in the future for a while"

"Thank you doctor when can we go meet him"

"He's still unconscious right now. He'll wake up in a few hours. I suggest you to meet him after he wakes up"

"Ok doctor thank you" zhan said and sat down on the chair again while holding his head.

"Zhan" liying arrived there with lily and Yingyi their son.

"Liying sit"

"What happened to yibo? I heard that-"

"Yes he had an accident it's not that serious he will be fine. We can meet him after he wakes up" zhan said calmly but his eyes which almost dropped tears said otherwise.

"Xiao gege my dad" said lily and cried.

"Lily you're a mature girl right. Understand the situation right now please. We should stay strong right?" Zhan said and gave a hug to lily.

"Yes" lily said and zhan wiped her tears.

"Zhan" sehun said.

"Everyone go to sleep here. When yibo wakes up we'll meet him" zhan said sternly and slowly everyone started falling asleep. After noticing that everyone was asleep zhan went to the washroom.

His hands were shaking and his eyes were dropping tears. "fuck" he mumbled.

👁️👄👁️ I have no clue what to say and btw thanks everyone for 5k+ reads. I highly appreciate it

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