chapter 35

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2 days later

Today was sehun's birthday. I decided to plan a big surprise for him. I booked us one of my best restaurants and planned, well you can say planned a date for us.

Seeing yibo made me realise many things. People move on and they have to. Being stuck with a single person is not gonna help you.

My mind told me I was ready to move on. My wasn't fully healed but I was ready to give another person a chance.

I drove to sehun's place and he came out towards the car.

"Happy birthday" I wished him.

"Thank you zhan" he smiled. I placed a blindfold on his eyes.

"It's a surprise." I whispered in his ears.

We drove to the restaurant and reached there in 45 mins because of the high traffic hours.

I opened the door for sehun, held his hands and led him to the restaurant.

I opened his blindfold.

"Wow" he whispered. The place was decorated with all the items he had liked. And in the middle was the cake I baked myself for him.

"Do you like it" I asked.

"Like it no. I LOVE IT" he said and hugged me. "Thank you so much" sehun whispered in my ears.

"No problem. You deserve it for all you hard work and this is nothing" I assured him.

The waiters started bringing in the dishes and sehun took the first bite.

"This is made my you right" the corners of his mouth lifted.

"Hmm. It's good right. I hadn't made food in a while"

"It's amazing. Literally no one compares to your cooking." He said and continued to eat.

I admired this man a lot. I looked up to him also. He belonged to a poor family and he worked really hard to come up till here. I admire all of his qualities.

I could feel myself blushing a bit.

After eating our dinner I drove again to a place where I let out all my worries. I did not bring anyone here yet. Sehun's the first person.

I drove and parked my car. I covered his eyes with my hands and led him to the spot.

I removed my hands and he was surprised to see the view. The place showed the whole city's view.

"It's so beautiful zhan. Thanks for bringing me here" he said while his eyes were screaming love while looking at me. How can I break this man's heart the same way mine was broken? I smiled at him.

I took his hands in mine. Standing face to face. "sehun I want to say something to you. It was 4 years ago when you confessed to me on this date. I still remember it. Quite memorable.

I rejected you at that time because I wasn't ready for a relationship. I am still afraid of being used of or being left alone. I've went through a really bad phase in my life. But when you entered it became different. I opened up to you very fast. We got close fast also.

I've always admired you and let's say your handsomeness. So I've finally decided that I would wanna be called as an important person in your life and I want to have a title. Sehun, I like you. I like you a lot" I said and he was in tears already.

"Give me a second" sehun said and turned around to wipe his tears.

"Gosh. Why are you crying?" I said in a whiny tone and went to embrace him in a hug.

"I love zhan" he cried. "I know it's too early for you to tell me this but I want you to know one thing. The day I fell for you I decided to cherish you for asking long as I could. You're such a precious person to me that I cannot afford to lose you. I would be by your side, be it as a friend, a lover, a brother or whatever you want." He said and dropped more tears.

Zhan took the initiative and pecked sehun's lips.

Sehun smiled through his tears. Zhan again went and placed his lips on sehun's. Sehun encircled his arms around zhan's waist and zhan put his arms on sehun's neck.

They finally broke the kiss when zhan was out of air. They both were panting and smiled at each other.

Sehun put his hand on zhan's cheek and said "zhan i always know a bigger part of your heart will stay with yibo forever. I know you still love him but please give me a little space in your heart and I will forever treasure it"

I did not even realise when a tear slipped out of my eyes.

This man definitely deserves someone better for him. Why did he have to fall for someone who cannot even love himself. Who pities himself, who cries everyday for the same thing, who's still stuck in the past. Just why sehun?

I thought of nothing and and took him in a warm embrace.

"I will give a little space to you in my heart and I will try to make a bigger space for you in the future. Thanks sehun for understanding me." I said and kissed his cheek.

"You're tired let's go back shall we?" He asked and i nodded. With that we made our way back to our own houses.

Nah cause why does zhan and sehun's relationship seems so sweet💀. Istg they look a better couple than yibo and zhan right now.

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