chapter 22

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Zhan was sitting in the court. Why you ask? Well it was a big case of his friend so he just came to visit the court.

It was the case with Yibo's company. It was something land related.

His friend's parents were accused of stealing a part of wang properties land. So the case was just going on.

He did not have anything else to do right now so he thought about paying a visit to his friend.

Yibo was fighting the case with his legal team. Actually yibo also had a law degree and he was a lawyer who took up cases rarely. So here he was fighting for his company. He put up valid points which cannot be denied.

"Judge I have another thing to tell" yibo said.

"Let's hear from you Mr Wang"

"Judge Mr ming's son you see over here is a university student. But there's one problem. Well I never wanted to bring this thing in but they forced me to. I found out that Mr ming's son is gay. His parents know about it but never opposed it. I don't think that's quite fitting for this society is it?"

"Ridiculous" the judge scoffed.

"I will declare the results after this break" the judge announced.

Zhan went to the washroom as soon as the break started. He did his business and was washing his hands when the door to the washroom opened.

He looked at that person with an indescribable expression.

"Oh hello zhan" yibo tried to greet him normally.

"Hello" zhan said.

"You came to watch the case?"

"Yes he's my friend in University. And I must say you fought amazingly until you brought up his sexuality"

"It was important for the case" yibo said coldly.

"Of course it was right. When the case is about his father and you just decide to bring in the son's problems. Do you even know how much he is bullied in our university? How they beat him everyday? His parents are real gems to accept him as he is. I really am starting to lose respect for you Yibo" Zhan said with tears in his eyes.


"No answer? Of course you know you're wrong. I guess you hate gays now." Zhan scoffed.

"Zhan that's enough"

"Oh what is enough Mr Wang huh? Imagine one day these things, the bullying happening to me. Will you be able to take it?" Zhan asked.

"Oh wait I forgot you don't even care about your sex slave right" zhan asked sarcastically almost on the verge of crying.

"Zhan you're not a sex slave. Please stop" yibo said in a low voice.

"Then what am I? A bed warmer, someone who comforts you, your servant? What place do I hold in your life yibo?" Zhan asked while holding yibo collar.

"Zhan please don't do this" yibo said with tears.

"What shouldn't I do yibo? You've broken me so much. I feel dead from inside. With you here I'm finally a-able to breathe properly you know" zhan said while shaking yibo and crying.

"Zhanzhan" yibo said and hugged zhan while both of them sobbed in each other's embrace.

"Sunshine please understand my situation hmm? Please. I'm completely helpless. I cannot leave liying..."

"For a person who you've barely known for 6 months right?" Zhan asked while looking at yibo.

"Sorry for saying that. Really I'm really sorry. I was angry that day. It's my fault zhan. Completely my fault." Yibo said

"Then why don't you come back to me. I was there when she wasn't. I was there when you wanted comfort. I was there to satisfy you. I was there for everything. So why can't you be with me yibo?" Zhan asked.

"Zhan it's forbidden. Really. I cannot leave her when she's pregnant. You also know that" yibo said while crying.

"Then why did you seduce me in the first place bastard"

"Sorry. I never knew we will go this far."

"Do you love me gege?"


"See don't even have the guts to admit it." Zhan said and went away from the washroom.

"Can't believe i fell for him. God why him? Don't I deserve someone better? But what can I do for me he's still the best" zhan said to himself while walking away.

Yo guys what do you think abt this chapter and I think Yibo did wrong by bringing up the persons sexuality.

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