chapter 17

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(I added this song cause it sort of matched the vibe of this whole chap and situation. So you can listen to it while reading)

They both went in.

Zhan and yibo walked hand in hand. "omg" was all zhan could say.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it gege. It's such a nice place"

Yibo bought zhan to a gay club. This was a high class club. This club still remained because it was owned by an influential man.

Here zhan saw many gay and lesbian couples. Dancing together, kissing, making out and on top of that there were men dressed up like women and wearing makeup.

"I discovered this place a few years ago. This is a really comfortable place. Drag queens here perform live."

"It's so good unlike other clubs." Zhan said still admiring the place and the people.

"I thought I should bring you here. I knew you would love seeing other people like you"

"Thanks bo ge. I really like it. This place just feels nice."

"Lets have a drink"


They had a nice chat while drinking the alcohol. This place was unlike other places. It held class. People were being classy and in their limits.

"Let's have a dance my majesty" yibo asked while bowing down and asking for zhan's hand.

"Sure my king" zhan said and took Yibo's hand. Then they went on the dance floor and danced together.

They danced together while being close to eachother. Their faces were way too close. They could even feel the warmth of their breaths.

They were staring at each other intensely.

Yibo took the initiative and kissed xiao zhan. Passionately. Yibo entered his tongue in zhan's mouth invading the space. Zhan moaned into Yibo's mouth.

They made their way to the washroom walking messily. On reaching there they went into one of the cubicles.

"Clothes off" zhan said to yibo.

Yibo smirked. Both of them removing their own clothes. Completely naked.

"No prep today please" zhan said.

"Beg me darling" yibo said trailing his hands on zhan's torso.


"Please what my sunshine?"

"Fuck me please right now , right here"

"Your wish my command" yibo said and turned zhan around harshly and pinned him on the door.

Yibo took his cock in his hands and pushed it inside zhan's hole.

"Ahh" zhan moaned lightly.

"Does it hurt"

"No. I want you to fuck me till I can't walk"

"I see. Want to hav wild sex."

Yibo fully put his dick in zhan's hole and started thrusting. Hard and fast. Zhan was a moaning mess. They did not care about anyone hearing their moans and groans. They were in their own world.

Yibo made zhan bend down a bit and zhan supported his hands on the door and yibo slammed his dick fully in and out of zhans hole.

"Liking it zhanzhan?" Yibo asked while smirking.

"Loving it. Harder please" zhan moaned while saying.

Yibo lost his sanity long ago but zhan's statement were making him crazy.

He pulled down the toilet seats cover and sat on there.

Yibo had zhan on his lap and bent him down in such a way that zhan's hands were on the floor.

Yibo spanked zhan hard. "ahh bo ge"

"Ride your gege zhanzhan" yibo huskily whispered in zhan's ear.

Zhan started riding yibo. He was getting exhausted but he made sure to use his full energy.

When yibo was at his climax he held zhan's wrist and pounded deep and hard in him. Zhan held his dick and stroked it using his hand.

Both of them cummed almost at the same time.

They both were tired. This was the wildest sex they ever had.

Yibo made zhan turn around and face him. Zhan was still on his lap.

Zhan looked at yibo lovingly and stroked his cheeks.

Zhan hugged yibo tightly. He hoped that his Bo ge could see the emotions he was putting into that hug. He really didn't want his feelings to be neglected. He wanted to spend his endless nights like this.

"Are you tired sunshine"

"Hmm. Really tired."

Yibo kissed zhan's forehead. "I'll clean us and let's go back. Shall we?"

"Hmm. Thanks for bringing me here"

"No problem"

Yibo took the tissue paper and cleaned the cubicle where their cum was shot. Yibo proceeded with cleaning both of them.



"Let the cum be inside of me. I want to feel you" zhan said.

Yibo smirked. "having too many desires today zhanzhan"

Zhan blushed lightly.

"I'll just clean ur ass let the cum be inside of you"

After a bit they were done with the cleaning, wore their clothes and went out.

They walked towards their car. Chaenim was waiting for them.

"Let's go chaenim." Zhan said to him.

They went back to Yibo's apartment and had 2 more rounds of sex and went to sleep.

Guys another chapter what do you think. Just keep on commenting to keep me encouraged so I continue posting often.

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