chapter 16

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I woke up because of the sunlight. Gosh it was really bright. The sunlight is kissing my skin without my permission daily.

I lazily woke up and did my morning routine. I went to the balcony for some fresh air.

There I saw yibo and liying. Liying hugged yibo and I saw her lips moving. She probably said goodbye. That's what I'm assuming.

Are the things ok between them? Are they that fine to share hugs now? But let's be honest they're a married couple and can do that while I have no right to interfere in their lives.

I heard a knock on the front door. I could guess it was yibo. So i opened the door. He came in and showed a sweet smile to me.

"Good morning sunshine. Are you feeling well?"

"Good morning. I'm fine now"

Yibo ge came forward and placed a long peck on my forehead. How can he act so normal even after knowing my feelings?

I know he is avoiding it. He wants to avoid that conversation.

"Come I got breakfast for you. Let's sit and eat"

We both sath on the couch and ate our meal watching some news on the tv.



"Liying went to her parents house for 2 days. Let's make the most out of it shall we?"


"Tonight I want to take you to a special place. Which you probably don't know exists here. It used to be a controversial topic but it died down"

"Oh ok. Let's go there"

We basically spent the whole day cuddling, kissing and eating.

Nightime eloped. I went in my room to get ready. He said it was a club. So I wore jeans with a top which was a bit short and boots. I let my hair flow freely instead of styling them.

I went out of my room.

"Beautiful" bo ge saw me and whispered. He came forward and pecked my lips.

"Zhanzhan do you want to wear makeup?"

"Can I though? People would judge me and it's a crime here"

"It's fine. Where we are going to go people will not judge you at all."


"Can I do your makeup?"

"You can do makeup bo ge?" I asked being amused.

"Yes I learnt it for liying. Never got the chance to do it."

"Oh you can do it on me"

"Thanks for allowing me"

Bo ge started to do my makeup. He did a very light foundation base with a shiny colour of eyeshadow on my eyes. He put a light pink-peached colour lipstick shade on my lips. He then put some mascara on my eyelashes.

"Gosh zhanzhan you could beat any woman in beautifulness and any man in handsomeness"

I blushed at his statement. And I'll not lie the makeup he did looked really good and suitable for me.

"Let's go shall we my queen" bo ge said and bowed down to take my hand.

I giggled "yes my king" he took my hand and placed a light kiss on my cheeks. 

We went down to find chanim waiting for us.

"Hi chaenim"

"Hi zhan"

"Do your formalities later. Let's go now"

"Someone is jealous I see" chaenim said.

"You look beautiful zhan" chaenim complimented.

"Thanks. You look quite handsome yourself you know"

"As for a matter of fact, i do know that"

I laughed lightly.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a secret. But I'm sure you'll love the place sunshine" yibo said.

"Gosh such a showoff. Zhan you know he met me at that place."

"You guys met at a club?"

"Yess. He was there so freaking lost so I just went up to him to say a hi and then we became friends. He was rich and I was in search of a job so he hired me as his driver"

"Oh I see"

We passed the main city already whole driving and we came to an area which I never knew about. It was very quiet there.

Unlike a club area. We slowly drove to a shady looking place.

"Bo ge where are we going"

"Zhanzhan you trust me right?"

"Yes ofc" I answered without hesitation.

"So don't worry. See for yourself"

Then we drove and reached a place where I could hear music from a distance. Chaenim parked the car in the parking lot.

I saw a public washroom and wanted to go there so I went out of the car and told yibo.

"Sure I'll accompany you"

"Ah it's fine don't worry it's right up there"

"Ok be safe"

"Hmm" i said and pecked his right cheek and went to the washroom.

"Want a ciggerate" chaenim asked yibo.

"Not in the mood"


"What chenim"

"Please don't break this boys heart."

"Chenim I-"

"Listen to me yibo. I've known you for so long. And that boy only for a few days. Still I can look through him. He loves you genuinely. Too much. I can clearly see the love in his eyes for you. Breaking that fragile soul would be a sin to commit. And yibo I'm your bestfriend. I can see right through you. I know you're in love with him. Please consider his feelings also"

"I don't know what happens in the future."

"No one knows but we still have the power to decide our future on our own. Consider his feelings please"

"Guysss I'm back" I shouted as soon as a entered the scene.

"Ok y'all look serious. Did something happen?"

"Nono sunshine. Let's go in shall we?"

"Yess I'm excited"

Guys another chapter. And what do y'all think about chaenim. Do you like him? And what do you think does yibo love zhan or still he is in his lusting for his body era. Do comment down. It encourages me.

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