chapter 19

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"Lee what happened?"

"I'm pregnant"


"I thought I was pregnant and I went to the doctor, the results were positive. And it's not anyone else's child. It's yours only because I always used condoms and pills with others. But with you I avoided using condoms."

"Lee" yibo called and hugged liying. "you know I've always wanted a kid right" yibo said while getting a bit emotional.

"I know. Now that I look back at it I've always wanted a kid. It seems nice to have one."

"Gosh thank you Lee. I- i just cannot say how happy I am right now"

"Lee this is the best gift ever. It's i- I don't know it's so amazing" yibo said with tears in his eyes.

They both stopped crying after a while and liying decided to take a test. And yibo, well he decided to go to zhan's house. To tell him that his wife was pregnant.

"What did he say? Pregnant. That bitch who used to hit him is pregnant with his child" zhan cried.

"She's such a whore. Fucked with many men. I-i'm sure it's someone else's child. Fucking bitch" zhan cursed while crying.

"Gosh I need alcohol" zhan went and got himself a whiskey. He drank it straight from the bottle.

"He would love me if I wasn't a man right?" Zhan cried.

"I-i want to be a w-woman for him. I'll be a woman" zhan said while giggling and crying together.

He went to wear makeup. He wore a long skirt he had. In Spain he purchased a skirt without telling yibo or anyone. It was a long skirt that covered his legs fully. He wore one of Yibo's white shirts he had and tucked it in the skirt. He wore lipstick and eyeshadow with blush.

He drank more alcohol while crying and decided to call yibo.

After four rings someone picked up..

"Hello" zhan said in a drunk voice.

"Zhan?" Yibo questioned.

"Yibo don't you wanna fuck me. You said you'll come to me right. C'mon"

"Zhan stop it. Please."

"Yibo i want you inside of me. Fuck me till I can't walk" zhan said while giggling.

"Zhan wait I'm coming to your house"

The phone call got cut and the next moment yibo rung the bell of zhans house and zhan opened the door.

Using the word shocked would be a small word for yibo. He looked at zhan weirdly.

"Zhan were you drinking? It reeks of alcohol"

"Yibo" zhan said in his drunken state and put his body weight on him.

Yibo made zhan stand straight and went in to check his house.

"Gosh zhan why are there so many bottles or alcohol here"

"Bo ge let's have sex" zhan said.

"Zhan no"

"I want to be a woman for you. See don't I look good in the skirt? Look at my makeup. This is how you did it right? Don't I look amazing. If I had a pussy you would fuck me right? Wouldn't you?" Zhan asked while smiling.

"Zhan" yibo raised his voice.

He held zhan's shoulder's tightly.

"It hurts gege"

"For once act like a freakin man. Dont forget the fact that you're born as a man not a woman. Man up zhan. What's all this shit? Why are you wearing makeup and a skirt?" Yibo asked in a high tone.

Zhan let his tears fall freely. "gege didn't you say I look good. Why are you telling me to change myself? Don't you know me well enough?" Zhan asked while crying more.

"Bo ge what do you think will happen to me when one day you just walk in and tell me your wife is pregnant? Did you even think about me?" Zhan questioned.

"I never expected you to take it this badly zhan." Yibo said.

"I can't not take it this badly. You're such a terrible person. I-I don't know anything. Y-youre a terrible man yibo" zhan said while crying.

"Zhan" yibo said.

"You need to rest. I'll go back to liying she might need me right now. You need to rest and sleep. Please" yibo pleaded him.

"Bo ge please s-stay with me for a while. P-please" zhan said weakly.

"I cannot zhan. I cannot" yibo said.

Continuation of the convo in the next chapter. Will upload it.

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