chapter 42

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2 weeks later

It had been 2 weeks since yibo spent time in the hospital. Now he was fine and ready to be discharged.

Zhan and liying went to pick him up. Surprisingly zhan and liying's vibe matched a lot. Liying along with zhan explained to her kids about the whole situation.

How the divorce happened, the situation of their father and zhan, everything. The kids being understanding just nodded and tried to accept zhan as a close friend or an uncle at least.

As soon as they reached the hospital they both saw yibo walking around the room thinking deeply.

"Yibo" liying calls out.

"Oh you both are here" yibo goes and hugs liying lightly then he turns to zhan and smiles brightly.

"I'll go out you both take your time" liying said.

"Zhan" smiles even more and hugs him tightly. "I thought a lot about us and everything and I just couldn't be more thankful to you.  I know someone like me doesn't deserve a second chance but trust me I'll pay you for the 14 years. I'll cherish you so much that you'll get irritated of me."

"Don't cherish that much if I'll get irritated of you then I'll leave" says jokingly.

"Heyy no" yibo smiles along.

Zhan and yibo took care of some documents and left the hospital. Leaving the hospital meant a new journey in life, for not only then but the other four people involved. No one knew how it's gonna work out. But they will make it work out.

As they drove back they dropped liying to her house back to the kids. Yibo and zhan were sitting in the car and silently driving admiring the beauty of the nature.

"Zhanzhan" yibo called out softly. To say zhan did not feel something different would be a lie. He heard the nickname from the same voice after years.

"Yeah" zhan too replied softly.

"How will we be staying?"

"I thought maybe let's start living together. Taking the process slowly, I'll sleep in my room and you in the guest room. We'll try to bond better."

"Ok sounds good" yibo said with a light smile on his face.

"You know I wrote many letters to you." Yibo said

"I never received any" zhan replied in confusion.

"Actually I did write them but i was a coward and I wasn't courageous enough to send them to you. I also felt as if that would be me betraying liying again.

I'm sorry for being a coward and not having the guts to tell you anything" yibo looked down in shame.

Zhan smiled lightly. "bo ge you know it will not be easy for either of us to start fresh anytime soon. But we have to give it time. I'm not saying I'll forgive you. But you need to let go of the past and try to start fresh"

"Bo ge" yibo whispered while smiling. "been a while since I heard that name. It sounds beautiful"

They reached their home and yibo could see how zhan's apartment was still the same. He kept everything the same. He smiled lightly recollecting the past memories.

This was a new start. No one knew if they would be able to let go of the past mistakes, past failures, or the past love, but they knew they had to. Yibo had been given a chance and he couldn't be more grateful. He knew he had to be the mature one here and protect zhan at all costs from not the whole world but himself.

The pain he had caused to zhan cannot be explained in words or statements. He knew he never felt the pain his sunshine experienced, so he knew he had to give zhan the best love of all time.

Hi guys. I knw i updated this after a long time and that also a short chap. But I want to say that the comments on the previous update were really supportive.

I can say that in these days it's not gotten any better but still it's fine now. I cannot promise to be regularly active like before but I'll try to. And you wouldn't believe but i actually got a dream about writing this story on Wattpad. That's why I motivated myself to finish this whole chap.

So I hope you liked it and be safe and happy everyone. Now what did you think about the chapter?

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