chapter 25

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Zhan returned back to his home and decided to go back to university after such a long time. He thought of meeting his friends today. It's been a long time.

Last night cheng really comforted him and told him many sweet words.

Today he felt a bit better.

Well the whole day passed and it was quite normal. They got assignments to complete. He stayed back at the library and it was evening by then.

He decided to walk back to his building. On his way back he heard some whispers saying "he's here, he's here" he thought he was just hallucinating until a punch landed on his abdomen.

He saw his old friends coming out from an alleyway.

"G-guys what happened?" Zhan asked being scared. He could not fight a group of 4 people alone could he?

"I heard you're gay and you're having sex with a married reputable man" one of his friends said.

"Oh gosh how pathetic can you be zhan" another friend said.

One punch landed on his face and he stumbled back.

"A gay man deserves a fucking beating that he'll remember his whole life so he doesn't pollute this society"

And zhan could not do anything in the situation. He tried to dodge their punches but they were stronger. Kicks after kicks landed on his abdomen, he spat out blood from his mouth, punches landed on his face and there he was, laying on the road.

They went after doing their job and zhan did not even have the energy to get up.

He crawled towards the streetlight and took the support of it and leaned on it.

He hoped someone could come here and just take him away.

He waited and waited for someone to arrive and someone did arrive after a long time.

He heard the sound of heels indicating it was a lady.

"Omg zhan" he heard the lady say. He looked up saw it was liying.

"P-please help m-me" he said with difficulty.

"Gosh who did this zhan?" Liying asked worriedly whilt helping zhan to get up.

With great difficulty zhan got up and with liyings support they went to the apartment. It wasn't that far from the street they were at.

Liying made zhan come to her apartment. She made him sit on the couch.

"Sorry f-for t-troubling you" zhan apologised.

"Don't speak zhan." Liying said in as commanding voice as she did not want it to hurt zhan while speaking.

"Wait for me here. I'll go bring the first aid box." Liying said and went away.

"Lee I'm back home" the front door opened and yibo said loudly.

He went in and saw zhan sitting on the couch. Covered with bruises and his own blood. He hurriedly went toward zhan and kneeled down near the couch to see zhan's bruises.

"Zhan who did this?" Yibo asked while touching zhan's bruises.

"Yibo" liying came with the first aid box.

"I don't know I found him on the street like this and decided to bring him here. I'll go inside you both talk and yibo treat him" liying said and went inside.

"Sunshine" yibo said hugged zhan. Yibo could feel the tears on his neck. He knew zhan was crying. He rubbed his back to comfort him.

"G-gege I was returning from the university w-when my old f-friends came and hit me because they knew I was g-gay. They said I'm polluting the s-society." Zhan said and sobbed. He was shivering badly.

"My gosh zhanzhan, my sunshine you're such a precious gem. How can anyone say that to you" yibo said and started treating zhan's wounds.

Continuation in the next chapter

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