chapter 30

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2 days have passed since the day yibo confessed to zhan. They were both happy and sad.

Nothing was working out for them. Yibo was in his own thoughts when he heard a voice.




"What happened Lee?"

"Why are you so sad?"

"Nothing much. It's fine. Don't worry about me. Take care of yourself." Yibo said and smiled lightly.

"Look touch my stomach and you can feel a small bump"

"Really yibo breathed out happily and touched liying's stomach.

"Wow. It's a-amazing I can feel the bump" yibo said in an amused tone.

"Yibo I want to say one thing"

"Yes darling?"

"I want a divorce" liying said in a fast tone.

"What?" Yibo scoffed

"I-..... Well honestly I feel like I'm a third person here. You are so in l-love with zhan. I can see it in your eyes. You're in love with him. And I see that you're sad wi-"

"No liying we'll fix this relationship for the sake of us and our child. Don't worry."

"Yibo I-I do understand but please go to zhan. He needs you and you need him. Listen to me and go to him. I can probably buy a house nearby."

"Lee I love you" yibo said and kissed her forehead and rushed out of his house towards zhan's house.

"Zhan" yibo said in a loud voice and picked him up and spinned him around.

"What happened"

"L-Liying said that I could be with you. We had this little chat and she said I could be with you" yibo said happily.

"Did you persuade her or something?" Zhan asked in disbelief.

"No she herself brought it up"

"Wow" zhan said happily.


"I know gege" zhan said.

"You might know that I haven't answered her yet"

"I know it. I guessed that you came straight to me"

"So you know my answer right?"

"Yes I know it" zhan said sadly.

"We cannot-"

"We cannot be together. I know that you cannot leave liying. I know that you cannot leave the unborn child." Zhan said while looking down.

"I love you zhan, my sunshine" yibo said and kissed zhan's temple.

"I love you too gege" zhan said.

"Let's spend our moments together shall we?" Yibo asked.

"Of course we shall my prince."

"Thank you, your majesty"

"I'm so lucky to be here zhanzhan. You don't even know how lucky I feel to have met you a few months back. I really cannot express it."

"You know gege i read somewhere that 'some people are destined to meet but not fated to be together' maybe we're one of them. But it's fine. At least we met each other right?" Zhan asked while staring lovingly into Yibo's eyes.

"Of course. We're lucky to meet each other. Thank you for fixing me. Thank you for making me happy. Just like thank you for existing"

Zhan giggled. "thank you for making me realise who I am"

They said and joined their lips together. Yibo kissed zhan passionately. He invaded his tongue in zhan's mouth. Kissed zhan till he was breathless.

Zhan and yibo, both were panting hardly.

Zhan smiled to yibo and pecked his lips. "I'll go make the dinner. You set up the table. Let's have a candlelight dinner"

"Ok love" yibo said while smiling.

They spent a good amount of time to make everything perfect. After setting up everything they ate their dinner. Constantly they fed each other and shared a few kisses.

"This is so perfect" yibo whispered

"I agree"

"Can I have a dance with you" yibo asked zhan

"Yess" zhan answered happily.

Zhan turned on the music and the perfect song for their situation started playing. A classic by elvis Presley 'cant help falling in love with you'.

They danced to this song. Spending their last moments together was the saddest thing but they had to make this perfect.

Guys what do you think about the chap. The continuation will be in the next chapter.

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