chapter 6

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It's been 2 days since the kiss. Whenever I'm seeing liying i feel guilty. It feels so right with yibo yet it's so wrong. I knew as for a matter of fact I wanted it. I wanted him.

God only I know I've been having wet dreams about having sex with him since the past 2 days.

Yibo and I also crossed paths but it's very awkward for me. Whenever I see him I just feel like jumping on him and kissing his cherry like lips.

Keeping all of the thoughts aside I woke up from my bed. I checked the time. Shit. Shit. I'm so fucked up.

I'm late. I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and changed my clothes. Took my project and started driving my car at a high speed to reach the university.

Today I had a very important presentation. I cannot be late for this. If my parents get to know they'll be disappointed. I don't want that.

I reached the university and rushed to the room as fast as I could. Then i entered the room while bowing to the teachers.

"Good morning sir and mam" I greeted.

"Mr xiao you do realise what the time is right?"

"Sorry sir I rushed as fast as I could here. I was stuck in the traffic." I had to lie. Saying that I overslept would be really embarrassing.

"Sorry Mr xiao we don't have all day. You'll have to bear the consequences for you mistake. You should not be careless."

"Sir pls. Sir please just one chance. I worked really hard for this" i said while pleading.

"Mr xiao that you should have thought before coming late. Sorry but consider this as your punishment and a lesson. You must not repeat this."

"Sir, mam please. Just one chance."

They all did not listen to my pleadings and just walked out.

This project was really important for me. I worked day and night for this. Just because of my carelessness I lost my chance. I just admit my mistakes at the end.

I drove back home crying. I couldn't help but cry. I went to the building and entered the lift. I was feeling really emotional right now for some reason. Maybe not because of only this but all of the other things going in life. It happens sometimes. I just needed a good reason to let it all out.

I entered the elevator and saw yibo in there. Lord this was embarrassing but as soon as I saw him i started wailing like a child. This man was making me sensitive.

He looked shocked. But then he came closer to me and held my hand. He led me to my house. I opened the door. This isn't right. Letting him in my house but right now I had no control over my feelings.

I let him enter. He closed the door and suddenly hugged me. I cried even more because of that gesture.

I hid my face in his neck. He let me cry in peace and did not question me at all.

I broke the hug to look at him. He smiled lightly at me.

"Care to tell me what happened darling?"


"C'mon it's fine."

"I had this really big project. I-i missed it by chance because of my carelessness"

"That's it?"

"Yibo it's not that small it's a big project."

"Zhan, darling I've also missed quite a few projects in my university. The big big ones but I know for sure you're not the kind of person who will cry just because they missed a project. Tell me the real reason now"

"It's nothing"

"Zhan" yibo said in a stern voice. God he really wanted answers from me.

"I....well I'm feeling weird towards everything. I feel t-this weird indescribable attraction towards y-you. It's taking up all the space in my head. I don't know what it is"

"Darling I also feel attraction towards you"

"Yibo it's not that easy for me."

"Darling it's simple." He said and laid his lips on mine.

Gosh this all felt so correct. He kissed me smoothly. He asked for permission and i allowed it this time.

He invaded his tongue in my mouth. I sucked his tongue with all my might. He laid me on the couch without breaking the kiss. He hovered over me and kissed me hard and passionately.

He went down from my lips to my neck. Sucking at places with all his might. He licked a place, sucked it, bit it and licked it again.

I moaned to his actions. For sure this left marks. "Ah...ah" I moaned lightly. I was feeling pleasure. But I wasn't ready. I pushed him lightly. He looked at me. Lips swollen and hair not in place. Wow. I felt jealous of liying that she could see this beautiful view.

"Y-yibo I'm not ready right now"

"Hmm it's fine. But darling when you're ready I'm gonna fuck you so hard that it'll be impossible for you to walk"

I slapped his chest lightly. "stop with that shameless talk"

He chuckled. "ok darling. Liying must be waiting. I'll go now" he said and pecked my lips and went out.

I want to experience this again. That's all I could think about.

Guys another chapter. A short one. Their relationship is starting. What do you think about it?

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