chapter 43

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(well I added this song because the name of the story was inspired by one of the lines "forever you and me")

"I thought I was the best person for zhan but as soon as I saw him with yibo, all my doubts were erased. They've progressed a lot. I just wanted zhan to be happier. He is now. It shows on his face. He even gained weight now" chuckles.

"He did. He looks better. Even yibo looks happier."

"Liying you know that it wasn't your fault back then right? People make mistakes and you were the one who changed and improved."

"I know sehun. I'm a better version of myself now. I'm proud to be at this place in life." Smiles lightly

Sehun and liying were on a small "date". It's been months since zhan and yibo moved together. Months since the divorce and months since the start of liying and sehun's "healing each other friendship".

Sehun did not completely move on from zhan. Liying decided to give him time for everything. That's the best for them.

"Hi guys" zhan and yibo came together to interrupt their date. Now it's a double date.

"Hi" "hi" sehun and liying said. They saw how yibo was trying to hold zhan's hand while zhan was trying to free himself. Liying and sehun looked at each other and laughed.

Liying got up from her seat and greeted zhan with a handshake specially made for them. Well childish but as they say everyone has a child inside of them.

"Liying will you stop holding liying's hand" yibo says with a forced smile.

"Oh really" she says and holds zhan's hand tighter. Liying smirks.

"Nono not happening" yibo says and releases their grip. Everyone chuckled.

"Yibo the kids say they want to spend time with you and zhan."

"Really?" Zhan beams with happiness. Even though those two were not his kids but he still loved them a lot. He thought he would be hated by them, so he tried his best to bond with them. And it worked out. The kids loved zhan.

Yibo smiled looking at zhan being happy. He loves how zhan treats his kids as if it was their own child. He held zhan's hand under the table.

"Yeah. Zhan don't worry. They love you more than me at this point" liying puts on a fake dramatic sigh. Everyone laughs it off.

"Any which ways zhan" liying says with smirking.


"I saw you well" clears throat "walking as if you fell down on your butt."

"...." Zhan looks at her clearly embarrassed.

"Oh look who's shy" sehun says.

"Yeah guys I was the floor he fell on" yibo says putting on a sad expression.

"Shut up" zhan yells and smacks Yibo's head.

"Ouch." Yibo puts on a hurt expression.

"Liying how the fuck did he turn so dramatic in the past years" zhan says with an annoyed look.

"Baby you love this annoyin-" and yibo recieved another smack on his head

"Shut up"

"Ok" smiles sheepishly.

"Liying and sehun" zhan calls out.

"Hmm?" Sehun replies.

"Any progress? Or y'all still friends"

"Zhannnn" liying whines

"C'mon tell me"

"Well we're getting along well and I know a lot about her by now. She's a good person because she gave me time. I said I needed time to move on and be a better person myself so she wants to wait for me" sehun says.

"Oh ok that's nice." Zhan smiles. "I'm happy for you both"

"What about you and yibo?" Sehun asks

"Sehun we already discussed that something hit zhan's butt" liying puts on a sad expression. "I hope you're fine"

"Guys shut up not again" zhan says with a red face.

"Oh my baby's embarrassed" yibo teases and kisses zhan's forehead lightly.

Zhan hides his face with his hands. Everyone proceeds to laugh.

So this is supposed to be the last chap. Rushed right? Well I'll write an epilogue for sure. It would be all abt yizhans life. I hope you liked the way i portrayed their situation now. Do tell me in the comments.

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