we train him as our own

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Robert " Where are you going, and why are you nearly tear Maryse?"

Maryse " Robert, it about your sister."

Robert, " Did you find her?"

Maryse, " I got a phone call from a little boy saying he Claudia son and that Claudia passed almost a year ago."

Robert, " so your go to go check to see if it is true."

Maryse " Yes , Robert, i know you're too close. i will do this. Claudia is or was your little sister. We all love Claudia. She brightened the room up when she was here, Robert. If this is her kid, we will train him like our own."

Robert " agreed ," Go make sure this is true, and if he is, make sure he is safe. "
Maryse, " we protect family." she leaves

( Yes, clary created the portal rune, but in this book, it has been created, but only certain shadowhunters can use it or have access to it)

Maryse uses the portal rune to go from Manhattan, York to
Beacon Hills ,California

She located the stilinski house, and she knocked. Maryse was expecting Stiles' father to answer, but to her surprise, a little boy answered.

The boy said, " Yes, can I help you ?"

Maryse " are you stiles "

Stiles "who asking "

Maryse kind shocked " Maryse Lightwood "

Stiles " Yes, I'm Stiles."

Maryse , nice to meet you, stiles. may I ask where your father is, sweetheart ?"

Stiles steps back and points at the couch

Maryse , may I come in? "

Stiles " you may"

Maryse walks in and walks to the couch and sees a man unconscious, and next to him is a pile of beer bottles. "

Maryse whispers, " Oh my angel."

Maryse turns around to ask, Stiles a question, but he is gone,

Maryse "Stiles, were you go sweetheart "

Stiles " I'm in here "

Maryse walked to where Stiles's voice came from. It was the kitchen

Maryse, " Are you hungry, sweetheart ?"

Stiles nods

Maryse , would you like me to help? "

Stiles " Sure."

Maryse goes to the fridge ( empty), goes to the cabinet, and finds bread and peanut butter, so she makes him a peanut butter sandwich

Maryse, you're not allergic, are you? "

Stiles " no, I love peanut "

Maryse " ok sweetheart " hand him the sandwich

Maryse " Stiles, I need to see the stuff you were talking about on the phone."

Stiles " ok follow me." Stiles walk up the stairs and down the hallway and up the ladder. Then, I walked over to it and sat down, and continued eating

Maryse whispers, " Claudia Lightwood, it is you . "

Stiles " Lightwood?"

Maryse " What sweetheart "

Stiles , why did you say my mom's name, then your last name ?"

Maryse " cause that was her last name before she took your dad's. "

Stiles " so my mom your sister "

Maryse " No, sweetheart, my husband is your mom, brother."

Stiles " Oh wait, you're my aunt,"

Maryse " Yes "

Stiles " What is all this Stuff " looks at the sword and the metal pen

Maryse pulls out her stele. " This is a stele. (She pulls up her sleeve and shows her runes) we can draw runes with them or activate them with it see ( activate a rune) understand what that is. "

Stiles " Yeah, but how does the tattoo runes things stay on you?"

Maryse " were shadowhunters there ment for us"

Stiles " What about the sword "

Maryse " it a sword ,but only someone with angel blood can make it glow." That how we can tell you're a shadowhunter,"

Stiles " that means I'm a shadowhunter "

Maryse " yeah, it in your bood. Your mother was one of the best I've ever seen. "

Stiles " I like to become one "

Maryse " you mean be trained "

Stiles " yeah "

Maryse " ok, but since your family, I'm bringing it to my institute to train. Institute is a place where shadowhunter works and train. And you'll get to meet your cousins and your uncle. "

For the first time in a while, Stiles had a true smile on his face.

Stiles, " I'd like that, but I still come home right."

Maryse, " Do you want to come home?"

Stiles " I love my father and my best friend. And I have school. "

Maryse, " i have a question for you do you feel safe in this house alone with your father? Would he hurt you?

Stiles doesn't respond

Maryse " I'm gonna take that as a you don't feel safe and yes he would .
How about this you came and train and you meet everybody if you want you can stay with us. And have some sleep overs with you best friend and go to school. Sound good."

Stiles " what about my dad "

Maryse " when it safe for you to came he we will let you. But someone will help your father "

Stiles " ok can I bring something with me "

Maryse " sweetheart you can bring anything with.

Stiles " yeah"

Stiles packed light some clothes and toys .
Maryse pack Claudia journals and her stele and sword.

Maryse " you ready"

Stiles " yes "

Maryse drew the rune
Beacon Hills, California
To Manhattan, New York

Is that all of Claudia's secrets or are there more

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