Derek returns

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Derek returns to Beacon Hills and unpacks but is stopped in his tracks by a certain sent. "FEAR "
Derek began searching to see where it was coming from, and it led him to Stilinski's.

Derek knocked on the door ( I know, surpriseing). Noah answered. Derek pushed past him to get to Stiles.
Derek got upstairs, Noah, right behind him.

Derek got the door open ( broke it)
Derek " stiles " walks over to him he's unconscious

Stiles is talking in his sleep. " NO , NO"

Noah " we need to get him to the institute now. "

Derek picks stiles up, and both him and Noah are off to the institute.

The arrived

Noah called Maryse to let them in

Maryse came running

Maryse walks out worried

Maryse " I'm gonna put these on him cause we have no clue what happing . We have a plan. We're talking him to a cell to monitor him. "

They take him to a cell. Which is designed just like stiles bedroom.

Stiles walks up

Stiles " Everybody has it, but no one can lose it? What is ? " Stiles, get up and start banging his hand against the wall till his hand bleeds.

Izzy " Oh stiles "

Dani " Stiles "

Scott right behind Dani
Dani turns around and hugs Scott.

Derek " Scott, how long has this been going on?"

Scott " not sure "

Derek looks at Scott with an angered look. " Seriously, you have no clue , "

Scott " No, he isolated himself . He spent most of his days looking for you or Dani "

Alec " Who is he talking to? "

Stiles view

Stiles " What do you want from me "

Void " I want you to let me in "

Stiles " what do you mean let you in"

Void " I want control of you"

Stiles " No"

Void " you will say yes. One way or another" looks at a photo of him and Dani

Stiles " You touch her, I kill you,"

Void " I wouldn't have to touch her I could kill with a snap of my finger. You choose "

Void about to snap

Stiles " Fine, I'll let you in "

Stiles falls to the floor

Izzy " what happened

Maryse " his vitals there crashing "

Jace " meaning "

Maryse " He's dieing "

Alec " we gotta get in there,"

Izzy " wait, look. "

Stiles moves and stands up. They all could send it that not stiles.

Void Stiles " LET ME OUT OF HERE" bangs on the glass well, screaming

Izzy " What that hell is that ? "

Out of nowhere, the light flickered

Void stiles started to laugh

The building was being drained of it power. Alarms started blaring.

Overhead " We are under attack "

The elevator opens it a girl with a katana sword and around the girl is a bright orange color.

Everyone ready to fight but the was strong. She shot of electricity at the wolfs and kicked the shadowhunters ass. And broke out Void stiles.

And they escaped together.

Scott " Man she looked so familiar "

Dani " I she was. I know I saw in stiles year book "

They go look at Stiles year book he left them at the institute in his room there.

Scott looks " here Here Name is Kira. Kira Yukimura"

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