the little girl

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Everyone left to the institute

Stiles " who the girl"

Maryse " she's an orphan. We don't know much on her. What we do know is when Valentine came back He killed her parents. "

Stiles " damn"

Maryse " yeah, she barely talks."

Stiles get off his chair and goes over to her.
Stiles " what your name ."

The girl looks at him

The girl " Aria and I know your thinking it only my parents or people I care about call me Ari."

Stiles " ok aria it nice to meet you I'm Stiles. "

Aria smiled
" That's an interesting name. "
Stiles " it a nickname."

Aria " now I want to hear your real name."

Stiles " I'll tell you when I get to call you ari."

Aria " ok it a deal. "

Stiles smiles " I'll be over there ( point to where Jace and izzy are working) if you need anything."

Aria " ok thanks "

Stiles walks away

Stiles " Maryse "

Maryse " Yes "

Stiles " put me on her emergency contact. She trust me "

Maryse " will do " well wiping away tears.

Stiles gives her a hug

Stiles " I'm sorry about uncle Robert "

Maryse " me too he help raise you and ( looks too her kids ) " cry even harder

Izzy " mom "

Jace " take a break, please "

Maryse " ok I will thanks kids."
Walks to her room.

Dani " Stiles, we need to talk."

Stiles walks of over to Dani

" what up"

Dani " Johnathan's alive "

Stiles " ya ok"

Dani " he's hurt . Blood calls to blood. Clary and I can feel his call he's alive. "

Stiles " Dani stop"

Alarms blaring

Stiles runs to Jace " What's happening?"

Jace " Clary, she set an alarm off."

Dani " Oh no."

Everyone looks to Dani

Izzy " Oh no what."

Dani " I was trying to warn you, Stiles. Clary found Johnathan alive. And she is going to kill him with a rune she made."

Stiles " Why don't we let her."

Dani" cause if she uses one more rune that she made. The angel with take the power , her runes and her memories. "

Jace " we need to find her now."

They search, but nothing
So they tracked her and found her.

They go running

Stiles stops cause he hears " little winchester"

Stiles " what crowley "

Crowley " This may help "

Stiles looks at the morganstern sword
" is it"

Crowley " drenched in heavily fire yes. Stiles only a morganstern can wield it. "

Stiles " Dani "

Dani " I accept " takes the sword

Stiles " how long were you standing there."

Dani " not long"

Stiles " thanks Crowley let Dani "

They find Clary

Dani " Clary I'd like to talk to our brother. "

Clary steps away

Johnathan " you have the morganstern sword."

Dani" I do dear brother "

Johnathan very confused

Dani " I'd like to join you."

Everyone confused

Stiles " Dani what are you doing"

Johnathan believes her

Johnathan walks forward

Dani and Johnathan hug

Dani stabs him in the back. Johnathan looks at Dani
Dani " This is Robert and castiel . Hope you rotten hell, Johnathan."

Johnathan calapsed and takes his last breath.

To Melissa

Melissa is far from home

Melissa " how you doing sweetheart "

Eli " tired "

Melissa " What did your mom do to you sweetheart. "

Eli " I'm a werewolf she a hunter. Take a guess"

Melissa " I'm sorry "

Eli " 7 years I've been living in fear. My mom's a monster and my father's dead."

Melissa head shoots up" honey your fathers not dead."

Eli " what"

Melissa " Derek hale is very much alive. I know him."

Eli " can you take me to him."

Melissa " as soon as possible. "

Eli smiled

Melissa tries everything to get reception cause she knows she sent Stiles that text to keep the pack away, but now she needs help. She is being hunted.

Melissa got one bar just enough to send a text

Click on Stiles and send SOS. as soon as it sent the reception dropped.

Melissa " I hope it sent "

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