Get me the Alpha

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With Melissa at the hospital
A woman was brought in by ambulance she talking nonsense

The nurse station
A nurse " Melissa the girl that was just brought in has a slash on her neck looks to wolf claw"

Melissa " What "

The nurse assigned to the woman " can one of you take her I can't anymore "

Melissa " I'll take her"

The nurse " Thanks "

Melissa walks to the girls' room

Melissa " I'm your nurse you can call me Melissa "

The girl said, " I need to talk to the Alpha. "

Melissa shuts the door. " What do you want with Derek Hale?"

The girl " Not Hale, Mccall. The alpha Mccall "

Melissa " ok, same question. What do you want with the alpha?"

The girl " either way there both in danger "

Melissa goes to call Scott
She explained to him everything the girl said.

Scott's on his way with Derek and Dani and stiles

They arrived and walked into the girlswalkedroom

The girl " Are you the alpha "

Derek " I'm the Alpha "

The girl " I was talking to Mccall "

Scott" im a bata."

The girl " show me eyes "

They show their eyes

The girl " Whatever I was told to find the alpha mcall, I guess they meant his alpha "

Scott was about to say something, but Stiles stopped him

Derek " What the message "
The girl " The alpha pack is coming and there coming fast"

Stiles " what your name "

Everyone looks at him confused

The girl " who are you"

Stiles, " I asked first."

Everyone looking back and forth between the two"

The girl " My name is Braeden. I'm a mercenary "

Stiles " I'm Stiles I'm s shadowhunter "

Braeden " Cool , I'm Mark you as an alliance nice to meet you"

Stiles " any other information you have "

Braeden " Just one, it has been a rumor, but it may be useful if it is true. Word is the alpha pack has been compromised and is not in full control, and I don't mean there wolf. I mean, thereWithmovements there choices. "

Stiles " anything else guys "

Braeden " oh wait there one one thing they told me to tell you to find the banshee she can help."

Derek " what "

Stiles" she. Do you know who she is . "
Braeden " no I don't "

Scott" Banshee ?"

Dani " ok let figure that out later ,but let hope that rumor not true "

They leave

Back at Derek's

Dani " so what are we gonna do "

Derek " no clue"

Scott has no clue either

Stiles who has said a word
Cause he's texting someone

Dani " Stiles what so important that your speed texting "

Stiles " I didn't even notice. I'm text Dean about everything."

Dani " just call him "

Stiles looks at her

Dean to deep into finding cas

Dani " right call Sam. "

Stiles being sarcastic " why didn't I think of "

Dani " Well, the sarcasm wasn't needed. I'm guessing you already tried "

Scott laughed " With stiles, sarcasm is always needed it "

Stiles throws a pillow at him

Isaac walks in " he's not wrong. Stiles and sarcasm just go together . "

Boyd come in right behind Isaac and chuckled

Stiles " can can't stop thinking about when Braeden said, find the banshee she can help"

Scott " who the hell is the banshee ? "

Derek " and how do we find her"

Dani " great another mission on to of a mission."

Stiles " and who knows if she'll be on our side"

Scott " let hope "

Stiles phone rings
Alec calling

Stiles " Hey alec "

Alec " when we're you gonna mention that a lizard creature is roaming around your town"

Stiles " two days "

Alec screaming in the phone " STILES ARE YOU KIDDING ME"

Stiles hangs up

Dani " he's so gonna kill you"

Stiles " says the one who's been out all night "

Dani phone rings
Jace calling

Dani "shit"

Stiles laughed

Dani " hey Jace how you doing"

Jace " where the hell are you"

Dani " I slept at Stiles house is that a problem "

Jace " No, you just have to check in and let someone know "

Dani " well I fell asleep I'm fine Jace "


Dani " but I'm not I gotta go Jace love ya idiot "

Jace " love ya to nerd "

Stiles " I got Alec on my back and you got Jace on your this is fun "

Dani " I don't mind it just nice someone care enough to do so"

Stiles " Dani "

Dani " what "

Stiles " I know that you didn't have many people before but you got us now. I'd you wanna talk to any of us will listen cause I know what Gerard did to the family that took you in and I'm sorry "

Dani " thanks and when I'm ready I will "

They hug

Dani " so what do we do about the banshee and the kanima. And the alpha pack"

Scott " I think we're gonna need help from the shadowhunter and Sam, Dean and Gabriel"

Stiles " let do this "

Erica " Boyd and I are gonna go grab a snack anyone want anything "

Everyone " I'm good "

They leave

Hours later

Dani " Where is Erica and Boyd they should of been back by now "

Derek got up and goes look right away cause he has there sent.

Him and scott search for hours and came up with nothing.

A howel was heard

Derek " That Boyd there in trouble "

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