your what

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Dani comes to

Both Stiles and Dani feel hangover

Dani " Stiles, I need to tell you something."

Stiles " what "

Dani " I'm dating Scott "

Stiles looks at her. " Oh, I know. "

Dani " How do you know ."

Stiles " You can't stop staring at him"

Dani " ok, but that doesn't mean wait. Why am I telling you this."

Stiles " we were hit with a truth blast"

Dani " Damn . "

Stiles fighting it" I've been hunting with Dean "

Dani " What"

Stiles " don't be mad"

Dani " I'm not mad. I'm worried. "

Stiles " Cas where are we."

Cas " still in New York "

Stiles " let get to the institute "

Time passed

Stiles Dani and the angel walk into the institute

Aria " Stiles "
Aria runs to Stiles

Stiles " Hey Ari"

Stiles picked her up and huged her.

Aria " you came back. I heard Alec call out to you on the walky."

Stiles " yeah I ran into some trouble."

Izzy , Alec , Jace and Magnus walk in

Izzy " Stiles Dani. How, what"

Stiles " Hey they saved up " points to Cas and Gabriel

Izzy " thank you "

Stiles " so we found something out it not a Shifter. It a shadowhunter bound to a seelie using the rune clary made."

Jace " interesting "

Stiles " speaking of clary where is she"

Izzy " talking to the seelie queen with Simon "

Dani " No, there not gonna come out alive. We have to save them. "

They gear up and head to the seelie entrance.

They were denied entrance
But angel can overpower that, and they did. Cas broke through with Gabriel.

Stiles " Ok I guess we wait"

Gabriel comes back with Simon

Cas come flying out with his wings, protecting an unconscious clary.

Dani and jace " Clary "

They get to the institute and get clary to the infirmary

Doctor " what happened "

Stiles " seelie attached her"

Doctor looks stunned

Doctor takes her away

Stiles turns and looks at everyone " we need to find the leader."

Jace " most likely, he is someone who knew about the rune."

Alec " Underhill. He asked me these questions when I was drunk. He could of asked about the rune."

Magnus " I always hated Underhill "

Alec smiled at Magnus

Izzy " ok, the number one suspected is Underhill."

Jace looks over and sees Underhill grabbing Aria arm " Guys look"

Everyone looks

Stiles was already running he had Underhill against the wall. Alec was dragging Stiles off well Jace dragging Underhill away.

Stiles holds Aria

Stiles will always protect her

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