2 months later

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Jace " anything on Johnathan "

Izzy " No."

Alec " I miss Stiles "

Jace " At least we got Valentine locked up."

Alec " yeah "

Izzy " Alec. I love you, but you have a date tonight. Please go. "

Jace " tell Magnus hi."

Alec leaves

Izzy, " where the hell is Dani and clary."

Jace " Clary's with Simon. Dani in beacon hills. "

Alarms blaring

Alec come running in. " Whats that?"

Izzy " someone outside "

The three go and check who it is

It the pack

Izzy, " What are you guys doing here?"

Scott worried ." Is Dani here?"

Alec, " we thought she was with you."

Derek numb " she never showed "

Izzy phone rings
It Clary

Izzy " Hey Clary"

Clary, " Hey, Luke been missing almost all day. No one in the pack knows where he is."

Izzy " he's looking for Dani "

Clary " What "

Izzy " Dani missing too. Dani's like a daughter to him. Wolf can hear their cubs. What if Luke could sense that Dani was in trouble and went looking for her."

Clary " sounds like him."

Izzy, " meet us at the institute. "

Clary, " ok, me and Simon are on the way."

They hang up

To Dani

Dani " Please, I don't know anything. I don't know where the cup is or where Valentine is. "

Unknown " your lieing. Torture her"

Dani " please no no "

Dani mind fades away she thinks of her brother Stiles and of Erica. All she wants is to be with them. But the rest of her family creep into her mind. Izzy, alec , jace, and Scott. And Luke, her true father. And the rest of the pack.

Dani's wounds aren't healing. Cause she won't let them. If she doesn't heal soon. She'll die.

The unknown man keeps torturing her, but she passes out.

The man stopped, but not because she passed out cause the heard they heard a howel.

They turned around and saw a wolf with green eyes. ( shadowhunter wolfs eyes are green)
The wolf attacked the man. Then, the wolf shifted to human form .

Luke " I got you Dani"

Luke heads to the institute.

He gets there at the same time Clary and Simon do.

Clary " Luke "

Clary and Simon run over to him

Luke " hey "

Clary " Oh my god, Dani."

Luke " could ya "

Clary " Grab on both of you "

Simon and Luke put their hands on clarys shoulders.

They enter

Clary , come on, let get her to the infirmary. "

They walk past Izzy, jace, and alec

Jace " What the"

Izzy " Dani "

Luke puts Dani on a bed in the infirmary.

Alec " Dani, are you ok. what happened ?"

Dani with sas" I got kidnapped"

Izzy, " we got that part,"

Dani said, " they just wanted information on the cup and Valentine. Don't worry, I didn't say shit."

Doctor " which one of you is her legal gaurdien"

Luke " That would be me and the lightwoods"

Doctor looking at the lightwoods, " Would you mind grabbing one of your parents?"

Alec goes to get his mom

Maryse and alec walk into the infirmary.

Doctor " Maryse and Luke, may I talk to you both in private. "

Maryse " sure."

Luke " sure."

They went to a private room

Doctor " Dani is not healing, and I'm afraid it is a mental block. If she doesn't heal soon. She will bleed internally. She'll die. "

Luke and Maryse look at each other.

Maryse " she just lost her brother and before that a girl that she was falling for what do you suggest Doctor. "

Doctor " erase her memory "

Luke " hell no"

Maryse " will think of something else, thanks, doc. "

Doctor leaves.

Maryse " jeez, she really suggested memory wipe"

Both walk out of the room

Maryse looks at Alec " call Magnus, please."

Alec stunned his mother hate his relationship. But he did so and called his boyfriend.

Magnus arrived. " What can I do for you, Maryse ? "

Maryse, " Can you force a shadowhunter to heal?""

Magnus " I can heal a shadowhunter, yes, but I can't force no."

Maryse " it Dani she won't heal. It is a mental block. "

Magnus " I'll heal her"

Magnus goes over to Dani and starts to heal her.

It working

To the winchesters

Dean, " You did what?"

Cas, " I resurrected Stiles. "

Sam " Where is he?"

Cas " Yeah, that the problem. I don't know. "

Dean, " you resurrected him then lost him. "

Cas " yes "

To Stiles

Stiles covered in mud " Oh where the fuck am I "

To Dani

Dani can feel a sharp pain

She looks where it coming from here parabatai rune is back. She heals herself.

Dani" guys, my parabatai runes back."

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