what's going on

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Melissa took the boy to her house.

Stiles and scott started to rough house.

Melissa just let them play along as no one got hurt.

That was when Scott screamed,
Melissa went running up to his room, but what she found was just Scott no Stiles.

Melissa " were is Stiles "

Scott, " he vanished."

Melissa grabs her phone and calls Maryse ( the exchanged number the day they found dani)

Maryse " Hello "

Melissa, " Get to my house now it Stiles something happened."

Maryse " ok "

Knock at the door

Melissa is in the kitchen making Scott food and didn't hear the knock, but Scott did .

Scott opens the door

Maryse looks down
" Hello Scott, were your mother"

Scott " MOM"

Melissa walks in
" Scott, your food is ready."

Scott " yeah"

Melissa " come in" looks at Maryse plus one

Maryse " This is my husband Robert Claudia's brother."

Melissa, " Nice to meet you."

Robert " you and thank you"

Melissa " for what "

Robert " protecting my little sister "

Melissa " your welcome,"

Maryse " so Stiles "

Melissa " I got a call from the school he was acting up, but he never told me why he was crawled in a ball. And when we got home the boys went to play then Scott screamed and said he just vanished "

Robert " just vanished "

Melissa " Yes "

Maryse " did Scott see anyone in the room like a warlock "

Melissa " Scott "

Scott walk with his bowl to his mom
" yes mom"

Melissa " was anyone in your room besides you and stiles"

Scott " no just me and stiles "

Maryse " did you see anything "

Scott " a flash of light "

Maryse " What do you mean"

Scott " like a beam of light or a spot light right on Stiles can i go vack and sit down now"

Melissa look at the others
" of course sweetheart "

Scott leaves the room

Robert " no warlock can do that"

Maryse " then what did "

A loud noise come from the back door

Scott get up to get it

Melissa " Scott wait"

Scott " mom it Mr. Stilinski "

Melissa " come on in Noah "

Noah " thanks "

Melissa " are you hangover "

Noah " I haven't had a drink in days . "

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